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  • #394262

    So I’m working on my new custom and I was working on the Harmony section. I went back to my main Vocal Part and all the MIDIs are gone from the viewer! But I can still SEE them and HEAR them on the main screen. What is going on? Do I have to restart or is this a quick fix? I’ve been using Reaper for a while and I have never seen this.


    ^This is a picture of my screen as I said in the MIDI viewer/editor the notes are gone, but at the main screen all my authoring is there, the notes, the phrase markers and overdrive. WTF


      In the top right corner from your “Midi take: PART VOCALS” (or any other Midi take window) you see the “Channel” field. You’re now on “Channel 3” (you problably went to channel 3 accidentally) which has no notes, switch back to “All Channels”.


      Omg, thanks man haha, man I feel dumb.


        I’m glad to help! Everyone feels like a dumb sometimes… LOL


        One more thing, so im finished authoring all the vocal parts and Magma loved me for all 3 parts, but RB3 says there are no Harmony sections.


        And I have checked the Harmony 2 and 3 on the Dry vocals section.


          Post your Magma log and your song files, for me (or someone else) to help you!


          My Magma log is fine but here it is:


          Magma: C3 Roks Edition v3.3.2
          Build started at 11:43 PM

          Starting Nemo’s MIDI Validator…
          Everything looks good, continuing…

          Loading MagmaCompilerC3.exe…
          Reading the archive
          Project Compiler: Reading project ‘C:UsersBeezy2036Desktopbeauty magmaboa.rbproj’…
          Project Compiler: Entering Phase 1 of 5…
          Metadata Compiler: Starting…
          Metadata Compiler: Done.
          Project Compiler: Entering Phase 2 of 5…
          MIDI Compiler: Starting…
          MIDI Compiler: Loaded autogen theme ‘ArenaRock.rbtheme’…
          MIDI Compiler: Autogenerating PART DRUMS animations…
          MIDI Compiler: Autogenerating PART KEYS animations…
          MIDI Compiler: Skipping vocals autogen…
          MIDI Compiler: Autogenerating PART GUITAR animations…
          MIDI Compiler: Autogenerating PART BASS animations…
          MIDI Compiler: Autogenerating lighting + post proc cues…
          MIDI Compiler: Autogenerating camera cues…
          MIDI Compiler: Validating…
          MIDI Compiler: Done.
          Project Compiler: Entering Phase 3 of 5…
          Lip Sync Compiler: Starting…
          Lip Sync Compiler: Done.
          Project Compiler: Entering Phase 4 of 5…
          Album Art Compiler: Starting…
          Album Art Compiler: Done.
          Project Compiler: Entering Phase 5 of 5…
          Audio Compiler: Starting…
          Audio Compiler: Building interleaved PCM file…
          Audio Compiler: Encoding raw PCM to Ogg Vorbis…
          Audio Compiler: Executing external application: oggenc.exe…
          Audio Compiler: …oggenc.exe completed with return code 0.
          Audio Compiler: Done.
          Project Compiler: Writing out C:UsersBeezy2036Desktopbeauty magmaboa_rb3con.rba…
          Project Compiler: Done.
          Created RBA file successfully.
          Starting RBA -> CON conversion…
          Creating song file boa_rb3con…
          Completed RBA -> CON conversion successfully.
          You should be able to put it in your Xbox and start playing right away.


          And here are all my song files:

          Dash Riprock

            If you are adding to a custom that was already cached by your Xbox, you’ll have to either change filename and ID, or delete your cache.


            Yeah I am, if I delete the cache will I lose all my customs or does the cache start back up when I boot up RB3?

            Dash Riprock

              The cache will rebuild when you start the game. You will only lose scores for customs with non-numeric IDs.


              That worked! Thanks Man

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