Have RB3 disc but also installed to hard drive

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    I just wanted to see if there was anything I hadn’t found to try.


    I have the correct RB3 disc for playing customs with, I also though took advantage of an offer a few years back to have RB3 (as well as Blitz) play from the HD without the disc needed.


    This has been great.


    However – my continued failure to get customs to work for me – and I have put years into this! makes me wonder if the only thing I haven’t considered is that even though the disc and correct USB stick are in, even if it is playing from the disc – I assume, because during play I can hear the disc spinning up and being used, etc.


    Is having it on the HD – I don’t recall the circumstances that allowed this – anyway is having it there making it impossible for me to follow the same instructions and achieve customs success?


    I am already planning on getting a used second Xbox 360, and modding it so I can play customs on Blitz – my favorite game ever released!.


    However I have about 1200 songs on my current one, can I copy the purchased DLC to my future modded Xbox, and play it using the disc?


    Followup question: if you play customs in Blitz, I assume you have to be offline. If you’re offline how can you use powerups? Or, can you use powerups at all with customs? I still enjoy it – playing Blitz – everytime I’m booted off of Xbox Live or it’s down and I have no powerups – but it’s not as enjoyable by far.


    Any advice gratefully appreciated.




    (SecretSelf, HiddenKaren, MelodyKaren, KarenSing) <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />



      I didn’t know you could even play customs on Blitz…


      So if I’m understanding correctly, you’re unable to play customs on RB3. I really doubt it has anything to do with it being installed on the hard drive. All it does is migrate the game files to make access times shorter (loading, saving, etc). The disc is still required to run the game so Microsoft doesn’t think you rented/borrowed a game, installed it, and returned it without buying your own copy (DRM ftw).


      Does the game run at all either with or without the USB drive in the Xbox?


      To play customs in Blitz, you need a RGH/JTAG and need to convert the other consoles to LIVE.


      Blitz can be modified to enable offline powerups but it’s outside of this sites’s scope, along with all your questions about modded consoles.


      As for your current issues, tell us more about the enviroment, is the copy on the hard drive a digital copy or retail copy installed to the hard drive?


      Is your disc copy a Madcatz disc or do you have Title Update 5 installed onto your console, a good way to tell is just start the game up from the disc, do you see the Madcatz logo or an EA Games logo?

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