Have C3/customs kept your Rock Band experience alive? Tell us here!
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June 16, 2015 at 12:57 pm #392418
So, Rock Band 4 release is now set in stone and we at C3 can focus on how to make the best of our last months of official weekly releases before a well deserved (yes, we said well deserved!) break. We are working on a few things both for the future of the community and to make the last releases special, but in the meantime we would really REALLY love to hear from you on how C3 or customs in general has kept you from leaving the Rock Band camp. Do you have stories on how you kept playing the game and now plan to buy Rock Band 4 because of customs? Have you bought additional DLC after discovering an artist through C3? Even though you don’t own a current generation console are you planning to keep playing Rock Band for as long as possible just because you found out about user generated content? The world wants to know! And if you have already posted your story, please don’t be afraid to repeat yourself with a copypaste here!
Remember, this is not a thread about how good or not good Rock Band 4 looks to you right now, about how you will or won’t buy it because you don’t own an Xbox One or a PS4, this is all about how the work done by C3 and our passionate community has kept your interested in HMX’s franchise alive. This goes for everybody, authors included, so please chime in everybody!
June 16, 2015 at 1:07 pm #448226I wouldn’t say kept alive. When I discovered the existence of customs this winter it was still very much alive for me, but rather, I do feel like this website expanded it, allowed a broader spectrum of songs in the game. This most definitely enriched the Rock Band experience as a whole.
June 16, 2015 at 1:09 pm #448228I had finally ran out of stuff to buy on the store so I was getting bored of all the songs I kept playing. Even when I had people over they would always pick the same songs. About a year of later I see a video on youtube of gangman style for rockband. After a bit of searching, I found this place. I now have almost 2000 songs in my library, and every time people come and play they say “Oh my god you have this song!?” I can now put any song I want into the game, which is amazing. Even going through the customs I have gone back through the store bought even more songs, which I didn’t even know they had, whether it’s a band I know or it just sounds good. C3 has sparked my love for rockband again, and I couldn’t be more thankful! I can’t wait for rockband 4 even though I need to start saving for an xbox one
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June 16, 2015 at 2:13 pm #448230I used to be one of those diehards who posted a lot on the Rock Band forums for years and anxiously looked forward to Friday mornings at 10am each week (I would even re-schedule meetings at work to avoid that time). When the DLC train stopped, I continued to play for the rest of that summer, but then pretty much stopped playing games altogether. Rock Band even stopped being brought out for parties, since it had that “dead game” smell to it. The battery compartments of my instruments turned green with battery acid, they hadn’t been touched in so long (baking soda and water will fix that right up, btw!)
The surprise DLC announcement in January piqued my interest again, and then somebody on the HMX forum PMed me with this URL about a month ago. My mind was kinda blown. I had no idea.
I have 1000+ “official” HMX songs, but this site filled in a lot of major missing pieces. Not only major bands or songs that could never be licensed by HMX (like Guns ‘N Roses, Led Zeppelin, “Danger Zone”, etc.)…but other types of music that really suit my musical palate (I mean…there’s a Frank Sinatra song available on these forums!). So while C3 hasn’t forced me to go back into the HMX DLC store (I already bought everything I wanted before they stopped releasing…a couple thousand dollars worth of content)…it has definitely rejuvenated my interest in Rock Band as a platform, and got me playing again.
And now I troll this site daily, anxiously waiting to see what new customs get pushed out there every other day or so!
June 16, 2015 at 3:00 pm #448232I just discovered the site earlier this year(it was a week before the news that RB4 was in the works leaked out). I’d still played occasionally. The wife and I would usually have a game night and end up with a few hours of Rock Band.
Finding the site has really jumped me back into playing guitar. I’ve also hosted a few RB nights with friends again lately.
I really enjoy the crazy variety you and everyone in the custom forum put out. I know I won’t be as rich with goofy girl pop songs to sing to annoy everyone in the future so I will miss what you guys do here.
June 16, 2015 at 3:10 pm #448233I used to constantly be on the RB forums. RB1 came out on my birthday. RBN was released on my wife’s birthday. We used to play every day. Then, shortly after RB3, we stopped playing completely… until I discovered this site and saw Queensryche – Promised Land. I have been re-addicted ever since.
Still waiting for Rage For Order
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Thanks for all you guys do!
June 16, 2015 at 3:46 pm #448237WHen RB was fresh I played about five times a week. Then I didn’t play for a year. Then I started playing customs and I play about five times a week.
That’s pretty much enough said. You guys are great
June 16, 2015 at 5:46 pm #448248I really like rock band 3. I have goten all instruments (even the pro ones). I found this place and my rock band experience got better. I have purchased a lot of songs from, now my library is bigger with the customs. The RBHP are the best for me, since I like to play online. I will keep playing rock band 3, even if I get an xbox one. I don’t want C3 disappear. You have done an excellent job.
June 16, 2015 at 8:42 pm #448260I am not sure how long we could’ve sustained playing RB3 with the existing songs (I had all official DLC and quite a bit of RBN), but with C3 it made it effortless and VERY enjoyable to play this game week to week. I can say that there was definitely a possibility that playing weekly might’ve died down sometime after the demise of RB3 DLC if customs were never discovered and that definitely could have impacted the decision to be on board with RB4 this long after RB3 closed up shop.
June 16, 2015 at 9:32 pm #448268I can’t say it’s kept my Rock Band experience alive, but it certainly helped it stay fresh and kicking.
June 16, 2015 at 9:33 pm #448269I started off as a big fan of of RB in general and had it first on PS3 with all the exports/tons of DLC
but as soon as I found this site I picked up a 360 for $20 bucks and got my Roland E-Kit and started getting invested from the weekly customs to the RB: Harmony Project which breathes life back into the older official dlcs and it’s just been amazing I’m forcing all my friends at any given time to have some sort of RB party
I loved Rock Band before
but C3 cemented with a lot of bands I thought I’d never see make it so thank you! thank you to all the charters!
June 16, 2015 at 10:02 pm #448275Hello, my name is Joseph. Long time lurker, first time poster in this forum.
I spied this thread’s title when I came in today to see any updates from anyone. With Farottone’s question, I can easily say that I’ve been playing Rock Band game since around December of 2011 and when I learned about the beauty of customs (especially Guitar Hero converts and pony customs), it was as if my prayers were answered. And coming across C3 back in Xmas of 2013, it was an amazing find. So, first off, let me thank you to every single person here. Thanks for keeping Rock Band rocking for all these years.
As for official DLC, I’ve been buying it on and off ever since I started. When I tell friends I still buy DLC, they are surprised I don’t have it all. But it’s thanks to this wonderful site that I learn of more amazing bands (Electric Six, Belle And Sebastian, the Fratellis, and iwrestledabearonce to name a few) which has resulted in buying some DLC. So, I’m slowly filling in the pieces (or should I say, “Picking Up The Pieces”? Yeah, that was lame).
Now, if I may muse a little, I absolutely love all of you who work on these customs and for doing songs by artists I love (and of course ones that I don’t know quite yet). I mean, can you imagine how I felt when I saw Madness, Less Than Jake, CAKE, Pink Floyd, blink-182, U2, AC/DC, Daft Punk, Desmond Dekker (a personal fav), the xx, The Specials, “Weird Al”, Supertramp, and the loveable band from the anime K-On!, Ho-kago Tea Time. It was stoked to say the least.
Let me share a bit of a story. Every year, I go to a conventions and there is one that I always staff at in the electronic game room (in case you are curious, the convention is Everfree NW in Seattle, an MLP con). Three years ago now, I took my Xbox 360 up with my ton of DLC (at the time) and pony customs I found around the internet (along with a few others, including ELO’s “Mr. Blue Sky”). I decided to do a tourney for the attendees and to my surprised, the ‘My Little Rock Band Tournament’ has become a staple at the convention ever since. This has turned people back to Rock Band, turned people to this forum, and even have some of the musicians of pony music play their own music with plastic instruments! (Such as Pon1Kenobi and HayLasFas.) And all the thanks goes to the countless hours put in by all of ya’ll, which is why I always put a thank you to you guys in the music binder each year.
All of this user created content is absolutely amazing. So, simply put, thanks for everything and keep up the amazing work and sorry for my rambling.
Now that I did all of that, can we get some more ska and punk up in here? What about all of Bowie’s ‘Ziggy Stardust’?
June 16, 2015 at 10:40 pm #448278My sister and my daughter play RB with me. Without a doubt C3 Customs have renewed the spark for RB for us. We play every chance we get since finding them!!! If I had the time to learn to make them I would do it because OMG there are so many songs I would do!!! Maybe someday!
June 16, 2015 at 10:44 pm #448279A Big THANK YOU to C3 & all the authors for your great work & song selections ! Even if you do take a break during the roll out of RB4 which is well deserved. You great folks will be missed But Never Forgotten……
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I have always played RB3 on a weekly basis. Don’t want dust to settle on the drums, guitars or my aging body !
After finding C3 earlier this year. I was able to convince my wife to let me purchase a set of Alesis DM10 drums off of eBay for a reasonable price. And haven’t stop glowing yet. I own about 850 official DLC songs.
But even then they were getting on the boredom stage. I have been a professional drummer since I was 11 and picked up my first set of sticks.Been in several bar bands. Now at 55 years young I just want to have fun with music and leave the fighting with band members & hoopla to someone else. C3 & RB3 has helped me do just that. Have fun playing music & enjoy friends !
Once I found C3 in my Rock Band world. Bands like Led Zeppelin, G & R, Buckcherry, Volbeat, Journey the list goes on & on. These are bands I used to dream of playing the drums to.I was like holy Dog do do. Look at all these great custom songs I can get now + their all Free !! It was like the music gods have killed me & I have gone to drummers heaven.
New Drum Set + New Songs to Jam to. Yea music life is grand once again..
Not only has C3 made RB3 a revived game once again…. I have friends call me daily wanting to have a RB party since they are too cheap to buy the instruments & Xbox console all party’s are at my house because of your custom songs.
Has C3 changed the way we play & revived the interest once again in RB3 ? That’s a Big HELL YES it has
Can’t wait for RB4 once I convince the wife on an Xbox One. But I will always play the great customs songs you fine people have brought into my life.
So upon that I say Thank you again what you have done for RB3 is nothing short of Fantastic !!!
See you in RB4 everyone. Music sooth’s the soul ! Some friends & family may laugh at our plastic instruments.
But they just don’t get it. C3 has made me feel like a Rock Star in my Mind & my House. What could be better ?
If they handed out a best add on to a video game award. C3 Should & Would win hands down…….
June 16, 2015 at 11:35 pm #448283I never really played Rock Band with anyone besides by myself, or when the family would rarely want to play with me. Since I wasn’t the only one who used it, we had a small bit of DLC, like, less than 50, but all the main series exports, so good times were had, anyway. Last year, I started playing more Rock Band and PC clones, and it got to the extent where I asked my mom to ship my copies of RB1-3 across the country to me to start playing customs.
Playing with customs is a whole new world, and there’s a ton of resources available, courtesy of C3, to have a fun time no matter what. I never really played Keys, and I never tried out harmonies, but my friend and I pooled our hardware, and we tried out full band with harmonies and keys, with a group of 5, and it was an incredible experience. Harmonies are now a staple in my group, and because of me picking up a ton more offical and RBN DLC, along with the Harmonies Project, I don’t know why my friend group didn’t start playing RB sooner.
Thanks to C3 for releasing endless entertainment every week, and I’ll do my best to do my part to keep the longevity of RB3 alive in the weekly release’s absence.
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