Harmonix returns with RB3 DLCs

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      Whoa whoa whoa. There’s a Venue track in the MIDI? That’s a first for HMX. Aren’t venues usually in the milo file? I guess they really did autogen this sucker. :v:


        Stereo drums? They might as well have just released it on Wii then. That’s standard fare post-RB3. At least there won’t be any problems with frequent skipping <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_cheeky.001.gif” />

        Venue in the midi though, wasn’t that also fairly typical? I have some midis with Venues and this so-called “MV_VENUE” in there.


          Before RB3, all DLC had a venue track. With RB3 there was a lack of venue tracks but the milo file got bigger so people deduced that there is where they had put the venue. The MV_VENUE you mentioned was for RB2 that had those sweet music video venues. Unlike those lame dreamscape-ish things we got now, those work off the same venue track as regular venue albeit without post processing effects and only some lighting effects.

            There was mention of shoddy lipsync…the VENUE track has lipsync markers alright, so it’s probably down to the actual dry vocals audio used. Meh who cares.

            Looking at the milo file, I see there is only one LipSync object instead of the usual one per each HARM part. I’ve got no experience with vocals authoring so I can’t speak too much on it but watching a playthrough video it looks like the phrases in HARM2 are pretty much echoing parts from HARM1. Now as Nemo mentioned, the VENUE track has singalongs authored but in the video, it’s clear the guitarist is not singing along. That might be because in the milo file, the singalong events aren’t authored in the PropAnim object (VENUE equivalent). I wouldn’t be surprised if there are other inconsistencies as well. You might even be able to switch the game origin to ‘ugc_plus’ so the game will use the VENUE track instead so you can see if the camera cuts and such improve.

              There was mention of shoddy lipsync…the VENUE track has lipsync markers alright, so it’s probably down to the actual dry vocals audio used. Meh who cares.


              I was more observant of the lipsync itself, that of the lead singer. I forget if I mentioned it in here, but what makes the situation interesting is that HMX, from RBN’s inception, said something to the effect of there being a 95% crossover between their tools in creating charts and that of RBN’s, with HMX having access to much more in-depth lipsync creation tools while RBN had to cope with running audio through Magma to create dryvox. And up to the very end of HMX’ DLC run, you could tell they had to hand-craft and tweak their own lipsync to be completely perfect and not break immersion. On the flipside, not every custom or RBN song’s lipsync lines up with the vocals, because the process, unlike nigh every other part of the creation process, is completely automated.


              So for this new song to have visible mistakes would suggest something to the effect of HMX either no longer having access or knowhow to the tools required for perfect lipsync or, more probably, not enough time and/or inclination. I’m past the point of caring, but it still makes for an interesting observation, especially in contrast to Nemo’s spotting of left hand animation notes. Spoiler: I haven’t touched the ones on bass in any of my customs, even the ones that are extravagant otherwise.

                Stereo drums? They might as well have just released it on Wii then. That’s standard fare post-RB3. At least there won’t be any problems with frequent skipping <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_cheeky.001.gif” />


                Well, at least it means that Wii customs players who also have an Xbox can buy the song (thereby supporting Harmonix) and then convert it with the Wii Converter and play them. This select group of Wii customs players who also own an Xbox I imagine is a small group, but hey, it’s a possibility. :v:


                If they have an Xbox and Wii why not just play it on the Xbox?

                I doubt there are people who have both systems and only play on the Wii. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_cheeky.001.gif” />


                  Well, instruments for one. When I started with GH WoR and then RB3, I was on the Wii. I sunk a good $1000 before I realized the Xbox was the place to be, and switched over. Not everyone has the ability to dump $1000 and start from scratch again. So I don’t doubt the situation exists where one owns both consoles and is unable to spend the money to use the Xbox.


                  On a side note, whoever bought my used Wii back then got a heck of a deal, since all the songs were loaded on the SD card that went along with it :haw:


                    I have both 360 and Wii and play exclusively on Wii. I had a ton of DLC from Rock Band 2 on my Wii and the entire band set before I had my 360. I just figured to keep all of my instruments and run my Wii and Rock Band 3 into the ground. I know that the 360 is much better and probably a bit easier with the customs but I’ve made the Nintendo commitment but I may try to get a cheap version of RB3 for the 360 to download these to get the DLC back.

                      I may try to get a cheap version of RB3 for the 360 to download these to get the DLC back.


                      I don’t think you even need the game. You just need to have an Xbox Live account so you can log in to the Xbox.com website, buy the song(s) there, send it to Xbox. Bam. Or you could (maybe not anymore?) download the Rock Band Music Store app for the Xbox, which was separate from the game, and free, and use that to buy the song(s). Although that may no longer be working.

                        …Or you could (maybe not anymore?) download the Rock Band Music Store app for the Xbox, which was separate from the game, and free, and use that to buy the song(s). Although that may no longer be working.


                        The app still works, at least here in Europe (the Netherlands) so I imagine it’s the same everywhere.

                        It does still list the song prices in points though.

                        what I will not accept is having buying my collection again…


                        and I wonder how many would? New songs fine, but to the people like me who have spent literally hundreds of pounds/dollars/euros on songs, having to purchase the SAME songs again would be a very bitter pill to swallow, and I hope this won’t happen.


                        How would you feel about a Spotify-type subscription service? Pay a monthly fee and have access to all the songs in the catalog?

                          what I will not accept is having buying my collection again…


                          and I wonder how many would? New songs fine, but to the people like me who have spent literally hundreds of pounds/dollars/euros on songs, having to purchase the SAME songs again would be a very bitter pill to swallow, and I hope this won’t happen.


                          How would you feel about a Spotify-type subscription service? Pay a monthly fee and have access to all the songs in the catalog?


                          Hey, did Genesis Chronicles disappoint you so much that you only came back today?! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif”>

                          Hey, did Genesis Chronicles disappoint you so much that you only came back today?! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />


                          I haven’t actually had a chance to play any! Haven’t gotten together with my RB mates since the release, and since I’m the only Genesis fan in the group I’ve been told they’ll only go for it if I show up in costume. Needless to say, I’ve been pricing blacklight makeup and materials for a magog hat.

                            Hey, did Genesis Chronicles disappoint you so much that you only came back today?! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />


                            I haven’t actually had a chance to play any! Haven’t gotten together with my RB mates since the release, and since I’m the only Genesis fan in the group I’ve been told they’ll only go for it if I show up in costume. Needless to say, I’ve been pricing blacklight makeup and materials for a magog hat.


                            I suggest showing up as the Slipperman <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />

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