Harmonix returns with RB3 DLCs

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  • #436160
      You are focused on the music and flaming me. You have lost sight of the fact that most people have thrown away their plastic guitars and are moving on to the next Gen. VERY few people even have the equipment to play this DLC.

      Well, considering it’s a game about music, the music itself plays a pretty big role. You do raise a good point about the hardware being unavailable, though. That’s probably why they hesitated to chart keys for the new songs.


      Sorry about getting pissy, though. I forgot for a second that I’m on a forum about custom content for a video game where you pretend to be a rockstar :derp:

      Buy this stuff now, and then there’s a chance that Zep will follow. Nobody buys this, and there’s zero chance outside of customs.


      Zep will never happen. If it ever could have it would have been done by now.

      Same for Pink Floyd.

      You do raise a good point about the hardware being unavailable, though. That’s probably why they hesitated to chart keys for the new songs.

      I would think that the keyboard would be the MOST available piece of hardware for Rock Band though, with it coming out most recently. Could be wrong though….



      I am curious to see where HMX is going with this.


      That was my first thought about this too, to be honest. I doubt it’s just a one-off thing as a treat for the fans, there’s probably some announcement coming


      That’s cool

      I would of liked Hail To The King to be the first song

      but if they start doing dlc

      then I can’t wait

      maybe we will see the songs they missed


        I would expect that mostly the more casual Rock Band gamers, that bought little DLC anyways, would be the ones to throw their plastic instruments away.


          Wow! That’s a bit of a shocker to wake up to.

          I needed some time to accept that it is really January the 13th and that I didn’t just sleep through the months of February and March, only to be fooled by some trolling person into believing hell actually froze over and Harmonix went back to releasing dlc for Rock Band 3.


          It became somewhat of a possibility after the survey HMX sent out last year, but to say I expected it and for this particular console generation would be flat out lying.

          A bit odd to just come out with this after the games RB3 and BLitz were on sale, but maybe that was all part of a test, like this DLC might be as well.

          I will support this with my wallet and with mixed feelings (yay new songs, but what about this place?).

          Random long shots: Will there be renewed reaper support for RB? Could there be a new title update.

          Probably not. RBN 3.0? Nope, but a man can dream.

          It does seem safe to say that people can stop badgering authors for “Shake it off”.


          I think c3 should still release songs

          do what Rocksmith customs do

          if the song is released

          then put the download so you can’t download it


            For the curious, the video situation isn’t set in stone, but the basic plan is for my usual FBFC team to jump on these songs as soon as they hit. I might also do AIM videos tonight, but know that my render and upload speeds are both pretty bad, so we’ll have to see how successful the full band FCs are.

            You do raise a good point about the hardware being unavailable, though. That’s probably why they hesitated to chart keys for the new songs.

            I would think that the keyboard would be the MOST available piece of hardware for Rock Band though, with it coming out most recently. Could be wrong though….


            Purely conjecture, but it came out late, and they didn’t sell to many IRRC. Plus it’s limited scoring use with full band. I don’t think there are tons floating around…


            fwiw, when “we” play it hardly if ever comes out cuz it’s a pain throwing it in with all the other stuff going on, and someone has to sit in and then sit out…wah wah wah.. I still like it sometimes though.


            Also does anyone think this is a clue

            that they deleted my thread about songs that missed

            I asked if they will make new dlc for Rock Band 4

            I just looked and found out that my thread is gone


            Something From Nothing is now on the store <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />

            http://marketplace.xbox.com/en-CA/Produ … 06248bcac2

              I feel like people on this forum and in their charts tend to forget that it’s about having fun, first and foremost.


              That’s why Fun is in our motto, because we think that boring is the way to go!


              I am of excite!


              No matter if this is a one off or if it leads to something great, I will buy all three. I bought all official DLC previously and I am not going to stop now. This game has brought me more fun since 2007 than anything else I can think of, so to keep supporting that is a no brainer.


              With that said, long live C3 as well!

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