Harmonix returns with RB3 DLCs

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  • #436077

      Consider me in utter shock. I have no idea what this means for the future, but I am excited to see what Harmonix does next.


      And on the subject of what to do with customs authored before an official HMX release, if HMX DOES release any of the songs I authored officially, I will gladly take them down and promote buying the official release. Of course, I can’t really hope for an iwrestledabearonce pack, or for those electronic songs to actually be considered.

        I am taking down the custom of R U Mine? that i helped with, all of you who downloaded it, better buy it legit

        I was wondering the same for my Something from Nothing custom. At least I’ll see if I got the charting right <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_cheeky.001.gif” />



        I’m betting they won’t chart the feedback in the beginning of the solo like you did. Might be less fun.


        This is exciting news, but also makes me nervous about C3. Love this place!

          There’s a lot to process here.


          First, they’re coming out of nowhere with 3 songs. No prior announcement, no anticipation. Why? Is this a one-off thing, or are they feeling the waters so to speak before returning to DLC production? At least one of the songs post-dates the end of official DLC release, so that means they actually returned to charting, not just are releasing something that was ready but got stuck back in 2013.


          Based on some posts from Nick Chester over on NeoGAF, sounds like it’s a hint of things to come.


          Second, if you’re returning to releasing after 21 months of absence, how are those three songs really a good way to do so? I love me some Foo Fighters, and I like both Avenged Sevenfold and Arctic Monkeys, but all in all the three songs seem like easy pickings for them and nothing momentous.


          Two oft-requested bands (A7X and Arctic Monkeys) + the continuation of Dave Grohl Band. Good because they’re wanted tracks (will likely sell) and nothing particularly momentous — just “business as usual”, which sounds good to me.


          Third, what does this mean for C3?


          I have no doubts we’ll be having some nice, lengthy conversations. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif”>


          Fourth, and this is probably just me, I can’t wait to get my hands on those files and see what, if anything, they’ve changed.


          This interests me, as well. Will we see anything telegraphing a new title/format in the files a la (vocal_parts) teases prior to RB3’s announcement?


            not being on the Wii is most likely down to nintendo being nintendo and nothing to do with Harmonix, and also.. what if there is something in those files? like, remember when Rocksmith DLC started making DLC with extra features not in the game and it was because it was already prepared for the as-of-then un-announced Rocksmith2014?


              I see people are already talking about buying the tracks even if they don’t like them, and that’s awesome.


              When the machine was working at full speed, in the last months, HMX had one release every 2 weeks. Now without any announcement and fewer people working on it I don’t think we’re gonna see any scheduled material. If we do we’re gonna reassess the situation. My opinion is that this was older material that was released with a new track from band that sells really well. No idea about the why.


              Only really interested in the A7X song but will most likely be buying all 3 on both PS3 and 360 <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />


              Well that’s… something… from nothing… oh I see what they did there


              However, we already have one of the songs:


              <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_cheeky.001.gif” />


                  Second, if you’re returning to releasing after 21 months of absence, how are those three songs really a good way to do so? I love me some Foo Fighters, and I like both Avenged Sevenfold and Arctic Monkeys, but all in all the three songs seem like easy pickings for them and nothing momentous. In any case, if you like official DLC, and want it to continue, I would strongly suggest any PS3 and Xbox player that can afford the $6, buy the songs. If they are testing the waters, so to speak, then we need to show them we want more DLC. Nothing says that louder than spending your money to support them.


                  This is one thing that concerns me a lot, and makes it not an insta-buy for me. Sure, it might help HMX to decide to bring DLC back full force. But it might also convince HMX that the type of artist represented here is what they should concentrate on if they do bring DLC back. Now, I have nothing specifically against these artists (besides “Beast and the Harlot” being the sole reason I could never complete the ‘get 5 stars on every RB3 song on Expert’ goal). But HMX’ explicit focus on modern songs and chart topping songs are two of the things that made me grow more ambivalent towards them near the end there.


                  Long story short, I want more DLC, but if more DLC turns out to be songs I won’t buy, there might as well not be more DLC.


                  Third, what does this mean for C3? I mean, it was started because no more official DLC would be forthcoming. If DLC starts coming back regularly, no doubt something will have to be re-thought with C3’s release system, as you’d be looking at potentially working for countless hours and then have to scrap something before it gets released or a couple of weeks after it was released.


                  This worries me too, but is there even a worst case scenario here? If DLC returns and C3 goes on hiatus, at least we have an official channel replacing it. If DLC does not return, well things will go on as they have been.


                  If nothing else, people can still use the tools you C3 gurus have made to create the songs they want to play but have little to no hope of coming to RB.


                    The only way “new features” start appearing in these tracks is if the latest title updated actually added support for those, I’d imagine. Has anyone data mined that already.


                    Seeing these being brought to their inevitable next-gen title. The best way they could handle it would be for the next-gen version to use its own files that support new features.


                      Very random and awesome. It’s strange that a company would release DLC after 21 months of no support with no building up to this. This leads me to believe this is testing the waters to see how many hard core people there are who follow rock band still and would see this random announcement and purchase.


                      Question for all you long term Rock Band 360 players who have a mix of Official DLC and customs: Every piece of content I have on my console (Official or Customs) is a CON. Since I’m using Title update 4 and I never connect my 360 to the internet, it’s a Rock Band only console, can I plug a Ethernet cable into my console, go into the Xbox store and buy these 3 DLC songs outside of rock band, and they will still work in the game without updating to TU5? I assume so as long as I don’t fire up the game and update to TU5, I just would like to know if it’s possible to buy these songs and use them without being forced to update to TU5 in some capacity?


                        I’m excited that HMX has something planned, whatever that is. I would really like to support their return. But buying songs that I’ll never play doesn’t sound like a great idea. I’ll buy something in the Rock Band store instead.

                        Keeping the content Canadian since 2017!

                        SomeOldGuys: https://db.c3universe.com/songs/all/__user/someoldguys
                        MrPrezident: https://db.c3universe.com/songs/all/__user/MrPrezident


                        Whoops, I somehow overlooked this thread and made a new one. Ignore that.


                        Anyway, I really hope this means RBN somehow comes back, because I want to get that Frankenstein album finished.

                          Very random and awesome. It’s strange that a company would release DLC after 21 months of no support with no building up to this. This leads me to believe this is testing the waters to see how many hard core people there are who follow rock band still and would see this random announcement and purchase.


                          Question for all you long term Rock Band 360 players who have a mix of Official DLC and customs: Every piece of content I have on my console (Official or Customs) is a CON. Since I’m using Title update 4 and I never connect my 360 to the internet, it’s a Rock Band only console, can I plug a Ethernet cable into my console, go into the Xbox store and buy these 3 DLC songs outside of rock band, and they will still work in the game without updating to TU5? I assume so as long as I don’t fire up the game and update to TU5, I just would like to know if it’s possible to buy these songs and use them without being forced to update to TU5 in some capacity?


                          It should work that way.

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