Harmonix returns with RB3 DLCs

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    Interesting song choices because of the titles of the songs…..BACK to the Shack, RISE of the Fenix….coincidence? Could be, but it’s still fun to speculate!


        I know “Back to the Shack” has been released as a custom but “Rise of the Fenix” is brand new right?


          The keys on the Tenacious D song are pretty minimal, so I can forgive them again for omitting that part. They’d best get some staff capable of authoring them though because they won’t get away with releasing partially completed songs forever, even from people that want the franchise to return.

            The keys on the Tenacious D song are pretty minimal, so I can forgive them again for omitting that part. They’d best get some staff capable of authoring them though because they won’t get away with releasing partially completed songs forever, even from people that want the franchise to return.

            If RB4 doesn’t have pro keys, they’ll get away with it pretty easily.


              I take these as easy releases where the licensing was prearranged as part of earlier stuff put out while Rock Band was still an actual “thing.” When they bring the legal department back in house and start negotiating some new royalties I’ll get more excited.


              Now, with my cynical side satiated, the more the better – bring it on!

              The keys on the Tenacious D song are pretty minimal, so I can forgive them again for omitting that part. They’d best get some staff capable of authoring them though because they won’t get away with releasing partially completed songs forever, even from people that want the franchise to return.

              If RB4 doesn’t have pro keys, they’ll get away with it pretty easily.

              Pro Keys is THE reason I stuck with Rock Band after the umpteenth plastic guitar game came out. I get that everyone may not share my enthusiasm or attachment to Keys, but it was the most unique and innovative step forward for rhythm games before Rocksmith, and there’s no other game filling the “play a real keyboard” niche right now.


                Pro Keys is THE reason I stuck with Rock Band after the umpteenth plastic guitar game came out. I get that everyone may not share my enthusiasm or attachment to Keys, but it was the most unique and innovative step forward for rhythm games before Rocksmith, and there’s no other game filling the “play a real keyboard” niche right now.


                It’s a business model kind of thing. Rock Band can’t live off the appeal to a segment of its public. Pro keys are long and hard to author and they know how many people play them, which is probably not a lot. I can see them doing a new game with a setlist comprised of songs on pro keys but not regular DLC. Not that I like it, but it’s a matter of making a profit.


                Buisniess smischniess, their profit isn’t our concern, we are the customers, our concern is about getting a good product for our money and no Pro Keys means it’s worthless for a good chunk of us

                  Buisniess smischniess, their profit isn’t our concern, we are the customers, our concern is about getting a good product for our money and no Pro Keys means it’s worthless for a good chunk of us


                  And you can make the point clear by not buying the new DLCs or a new game, if they develop it. If you won’t play any new DLC or a new game if they lack pro keys support just don’t give them money.

                    I take these as easy releases where the licensing was prearranged as part of earlier stuff put out while Rock Band was still an actual “thing.” When they bring the legal department back in house and start negotiating some new royalties I’ll get more excited.


                    Now, with my cynical side satiated, the more the better – bring it on!


                    It’s worth noting (I may have mentioned this when they were announced) that the first three songs were all tracks released well after the end of DLC releases. The oldest track was released in Sept 2013. I would be very surprised if this was ‘prearranged’ — like I doubt they had a “selection of DLC singles released when we see it” with a given act or label, though it’s not impossible.


                    Buisniess smischniess, their profit isn’t our concern, we are the customers, our concern is about getting a good product for our money and no Pro Keys means it’s worthless for a good chunk of us


                    It’s still business. Their profit is their concern, and if you won’t buy the content without pro keys, you are not the clientele they are chasing, much like I’m not the target demographic that AAA game devs are chasing nowadays. I’m no longer a customer of Ubisoft, EA, or Activision, in aggregate, for example — and the subset of people like me is a lot smaller than the subset of people who want the next CoD or AC.


                      Can we leave the keys/no keys debate alone for a second and realize that HMX DOESN’T EVEN DO ANIMATIONS RIGHT ANYMORE?!


                      There’s cutting corners and then there’s doing less work than hobbyists tend to do. I’m not even asking for a flashy venue, I’m just asking for my guitarist to animate when I’m playing! ><img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_frown.gif” />


                        That. Is. Hilarious. :haw:

                        Can we leave the keys/no keys debate alone for a second and realize that HMX DOESN’T EVEN DO ANIMATIONS RIGHT ANYMORE?!


                        WHATS NEXT? JUST A CHART BUT WITH NO AUDIO TO PLAY ALONG TO?! WHAT THE FUCK HMX, IF THAT EVEN IS YOUR REAL NAME WHICH WE ALL KNOW IS ACTUALLY ACTIVISION! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />


                          You know, you say that joking. I wouldn’t be surprised if we see some non-multitrack releases :aaa:

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