Happy One-Year Anniversary, C3!

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    BTW, noticed how the blog post included some very interesting trivia…


    how about this little piece, I remember back in the days when C3 and the Rapture was announced, the initial authors included DeadCanadian, he even had a profile on the BETA version of the site.


    What happened to him? I was really looking forward to some of his original customs receiving the C3 treatment FtV, some were only missing vocals others were single instruments.

    BTW, noticed how the blog post included some very interesting trivia…


    how about this little piece, I remember back in the days when C3 and the Rapture was announced, the initial authors included DeadCanadian, he even had a profile on the BETA version of the site.


    What happened to him? I was really looking forward to some of his original customs receiving the C3 treatment FtV, some were only missing vocals others were single instruments.


    I have seen him around but from what I gather he has been busy with real life stuff as of lately. I could be wrong though, but that is what I have heard.


    After Harmonix stopped releasing official DLC, I knew that was the end for Rock Band. Sure, me and my friends will still play it, but knowing no more content was to be released was a depressing thought.


    I downloaded American Pie knowing this was it, the game me and my friends have been playing together for around 6 years had ended, yes we still enjoyed the game, but a part of the game had gone forever.


    I went back in to the back catalog of the store and downloaded all the songs that I was 50/50 on whether to download, I may as well right? Its not like anything else was going to come out to spend my money on?


    I still hoped that the lack of DLC was just a temporary break, I checked the Rock Band forums regularly expecting some announcement, it never came… Until I saw a thread “How do you keep Rock Band fresh” (or something like that) and one of the posters mentioned customs.


    Did a few searches for customs and it led me here.


    I was amazed and impressed by the standard and the quality of the work, the legendary songs released here that I hoped Harmonix would have released officially, but never did, November Rain, Stairway To Heaven, Nothing Else Matters, and thats just a few. I, no WE can play these epic songs all thanks to C3!


    I and my friends, would just like to say a massive thank you, thank you for saving this game.


    Happy 1st Birthday C3, may there be many more to come!


      Congrats on the anniversary!


      I only found this place last week. Some random guy on some random forum somewhere happened to mention playing custom Rock Band songs, and that inspired me to come looking for them. So glad I did! My friends and I still played rock band every other week or so, but now we are actually excited about it again! Thanks for giving me my Friday morning anticipation back, C3!


      Also thanks to all the authors who work so hard to put out all of these songs for us simple players! We are not worthy!


      Happy Birthday indeed.


      I love what you guys are doing. I’ve been playing Rockband every Friday night (almost every one) since I was was 39 years old. It keeps getting better and this last year has been my favorite year since Year One.


      I love you all for your hard work and dedication. Friday at 10:AM I like a little kid on Christmas.

      You make me and my friends happy every single week. That means a lot to me. Thank you.


      Keep up the good work.


      It’s hard to believe how much you all have released in just a year. Loved the post! I can’t express my appreciation for all the great times on RB you’ve made happen for my friends and I. Happy one year anniversary!!! :excited: :dance: :excited: :dance:


      I would just like to say a huge thank you to everyone involved with creating customs for rock band, both through C3 and just here on the forums, your keeping alive a game I love <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />


      Happy 1 year of C3 and Congratulations for this achievement.Thanks to you for make the best thing that rock band would happen.Thanks for make me,and my friend and family happy all the fridays for your amazing customs.And thanks,for your patience,and your hard work,for being stable until today.Im gonna expect that page gonna still more time with us.Thanks C3 and Happy 1 year!

      Hundreds? That’s adorable <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” />

      Haha, yeah I know it’s probably not nearly as much as some others but for me that’s a lot for one video game. The total now is probably actually closer to $1,000.


      I still hoped that the lack of DLC was just a temporary break, I checked the Rock Band forums regularly expecting some announcement, it never came… Until I saw a thread “How do you keep Rock Band fresh” (or something like that) and one of the posters mentioned customs.

      If you are talking about the thread named What do you to keep Rock Band alive then it may have actually been my post in that thread you saw. I guess I said a little too much though because the mods edited my post and it literally now just says: I have gotten into… and nothing about customs haha.


      Happy belated anniversary to you guys…everything about what you have done over the last year is utterly amazing. Thank you as always and looking forward to the ride going as long as possible!

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