Happy Anniversary C3!
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April 12, 2016 at 12:12 pm #393753
Last Saturday, April 9th, marked the 3rd anniversary of a very special moment for us, what we called at the time “The Rapture”. April 9th 2013 was supposed to be the first week with no release of official DLC since Rock Band inception and a group of people banded together not only to make the streak last one week more but to actually go on to release weekly content for 2 and a half years.
Everything we did has lead us here, to an amazing community that has never stopped inspiring and surprising us. In the past we have talked a lot about our efforts, because we felt it was important that the community knew how much C3 members worked to make this happen. Now on the other hand it’s time for you to tell us more: tell us how you found us, tell us your best memory about our releases, tell us how you picked up authoring to bring to the game your favourite band. Let us know how this project impacted you and your gaming experience and what you think about the efforts of everyone involved with this.
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So, happy anniversary to those who started all of this, my mates. Happy anniversary to those who were with us right at the start, working or enjoying our release. Happy anniversary to those who started authoring because of C3 and to those who paved the way charting for FoF or for the early RB customs. Happy anniversary to those who used to follow our releases on shady forums and to those who have not even found this community yet. Happy anniversary everybody.
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April 12, 2016 at 1:26 pm #466926You are wonderful, people, thanx to you my Wii ressurected in the third year (no pun intended).
Here at C3 I found jewels that i never would see in Rock band other way. The moment you zap the custom list and you find things like “super Freak”, “heyhey nana” and even odd things like Hanson, Semisonic(a one-hit wonder) is priceless.
Just one regret I have: -To have found you too late, when the releases last just a couple of months, but that’s was my bad not to be alert.
The day I found you at C3, guys. I was thinking:” I need to play “iron man” but I will not come back to GH1 just to play that, cause my ps2 is disconnented and God only knows where I left this”, then I searched searched and searched and fall here! ! found an “Oasis” (no pun intended, again).
No words to you, guys. Just you and all you achieve here are wonderful!!
The show must go on !! Thanks!
April 12, 2016 at 2:07 pm #466929Happy Anniversary to C3, Farottone, Nemo and the rest of the Administration and founding members.
I was late to the party stumbled upon C3 last year. But oh ! What a party it has been.
I was really on the verge of selling all my RB3 gear last year and giving up on music genre games. Until I found C3.
Once I did not only did I decide to keep all my gear and continue playing RB3. I also talked my wife into letting me purchase a set of E drums, I had wanted for years.
C3 brought new life to a game that had grown stale. With no more weekly DLC I didn’t see any hope for the game.
I’m still attempting to learn how to chart songs. Perhaps someday soon I will get the hang of it ?
Finding songs on C3, I only dreamed would be in the game someday, was one of the happiest days of my Music Life.
Thanks again for your awesome work and the kindness of sharing each & every song.
Thank you to everyone that charts & every member of this great C3 community !!
April 12, 2016 at 2:19 pm #466931Glad I found you guys. I would have missed some great songs that should’ve been otherwise. Also after playing many online games it’s nice to find a community that isn’t over-competitive, rude, and self-entitled.
Thank you all for your hard work.
April 12, 2016 at 2:25 pm #466933it’s nice to find a community that isn’t over-competitive, rude, and self-entitled.
Speak for yourself bud
Happy Anniversary to us! I totally missed the deadline. Good thing C3 is not my wife or I would be sleeping on the couch tonight
April 12, 2016 at 3:09 pm #466936Speak for yourself bud
Okay, it’s nice to find a community that mostly isn’t over-competitive, rude, and self-entitled.
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It’s been quite a ride so far this year (ah, but aren’t they all) but this community and making customs has helped take the edge off. I really appreciate you guys.
April 12, 2016 at 3:13 pm #466939Glad I found you guys. I would have missed some great songs that should’ve been otherwise. Also after playing many online games it’s nice to find a community that isn’t over-competitive, rude, and self-entitled.
I absolutely agree. Sometimes someone will act self-entitled, and it seems like a huge deal to some. Well, it’s not, it actually looks bad because of how great people here are.
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April 12, 2016 at 4:20 pm #466942was wondering if there’d be an anniversary thread. guess the admins were all busy (or forgetful which i can totally sympathize with) last weekend.
” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_cheeky.001.gif” /> anyway, i haven’t been here for long; forums since last September and lurking the blog since May. i kinda regret that i didn’t find this place earlier, it’s a fantastic site full of (mostly) fantastic people providing great content. to think that the number of songs available for RB3 has doubled or more because of C3 is ridiculous and fucking impressive. let’s keep it going a while, yeah? cheers.
April 12, 2016 at 6:11 pm #466950I stumbled across C3 late, which is just brilliant, so many songs to choose from. Resurrected the Wii, and flogged the PS3 toys (mostly because I had a keyboard for the Wii, not the PS3).
You guys have given me so much pleasure, I can’t thank you enough. Even when I was playing in the dining room with headphones on (while I fixed the leak in the man cave), while my wife watched yet another series of Amazing Race. It seems I breathe heavily, while concentrating…
When you power on RB3, and play a ‘favourite’, you get a stupid smile on your face and you just feel a whole lot better about the shitty day at work you just finished. Thanks to you all for making this possible and giving me much happiness
April 12, 2016 at 6:14 pm #466951Congratulations to the founders of C3 on reaching the 3 year milestone. The work that has been done here and the community that has developed during that time is really incredible.
I forget exactly how I stumbled upon C3. I used to post pretty regularly on the HMX forums. One day several years ago, PikminGuts posted a thread about how he was able to get Beatles songs to show up in-game in RB3. The thread was removed minutes later, but I thought it was one of the coolest things I’d ever seen. It was verboten to talk about it there, and I didn’t have enough contacts over there to know who to ask. So I was kinda living in blissful ignorance for a long while until about a year ago, when I stumbled upon C3, and spent the next month obsessively building a library of downloads and reading the excellent documentation that’s been provided.
As a relative newbie, it’s difficult to objectively determine what C3’s “biggest” accomplishment has been. Certainly, the individual and joint efforts to build out various pieces of the C3 CON tool infrastructure are utterly amazing achievements. MagmaC3, CAT tools, the various modules in C3 CON tools…these are all seismically shifting pieces of software that allow complete numbskulls like myself…who have zero musical theory knowledge and limited programming skills…some ability to create assets that can actually be used in a widely distributed piece of gaming software like Rock Band 3, without any modified hardware. That is *amazing*. Coordinating a massive weekly release schedule, and not missing a week for several years? *That* is amazing. Building a comprehensive and configurable database of community customs…like over the course of a weekend? *That* is batshit crazy amazing.
Even more amazing…most of these fine folk are still hanging around the forums regularly, and while some might not be as active as they once were in terms of producing new song content, are all incredibly gracious with their time and supportive of the community, and THAT. IS. AWESOME.
I’m really glad that I found this place, and have been able to take my first few steps into the wonderful world of Rock Band custom making. Viva la troi C.
April 12, 2016 at 8:05 pm #466962Happy birthday c3, thanks everyone and customs creators, some awesome songs that does’nt have in RB marketplace is now possible play because c3, thanks a lot.
April 13, 2016 at 12:03 am #466978Happy anniversary to everyone!
charters and players for a new order to enjoy the music” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />
April 13, 2016 at 1:05 am #466983It’s crazy, mind blowingly insane, in fact, that it’s possible that everyone here can transform their favourite song into a playable song in Rock Band 3. Before stumbling across C3, I would have never thought that this was possible. I was ecstatic when I found out about FoF/PS, imagine how happy I was when I found out about C3. Customs on PC are awesome, but customs on Rock Band? On console? Just intense.
I’d like to take a minute to thank every author of custom songs. Whether you author for Rock Band, Guitar Hero, Frets on Fire, Phase Shift, or any other game of the like, I appreciate the hard work you all…. Errr, We all put into our customs, and I hope we will continue to produce quality content for years to come.
April 13, 2016 at 2:09 am #466987Yup, C3 saved this series that I love so much for me, if it wasn’t for discovering customs, all my Guitar Hero guitars would still be sitting in a corner gathering dust.
April 13, 2016 at 4:33 am #466993I bought an Xbox 360 for Rock Band. Rode the years-long wave of DLC, collecting hundreds of extra songs and albums, moving to RB2, and finally RB3. I’d seen videos here and there showing customs, but never looked into it. When the disc drive in my 360 died, we decided to pick up a Wii – influenced by my 11 year old daughter and the prospect of homebrew. Of course I’d want RB3. I bought wii versions of RB3 and Beatles – and remembered PikminGuts’ post that samjones mentioned above – google got me here. Of course, I missed the last three years, and will never know the excitement of weekly C3 releases, but the fact that thousands of songs that never made it into RB are at my fingertips here is a beautiful thing regardless. I came for the Beatles and stayed for the rest. Clever, skilled and just overall good people is what I see in this community. Thanks for all of your work and for the work yet to come. I won’t be moving to RB4, because it’s not in my budget any time soon, and even if I did, I’d be missing all the Led Zeppelin, for example. What a place this is. I gotta send a shoutout to Stackoverflow0x for ruling on the Wii side of things – his instructions are super easy to follow, and he’s so willing to help those who have issues. OrangeHarrison, your Beatles customs are superb, but what really hooked me the most was your “Sleepwalk” chart. Bearsunlimited, Farottone, TrojanNemo, are just a few of the people who’s work I admire here. Cheers, every one of us.
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