I don’t know who first made this custom but I added keys/pro keys, overdrive and reductions.
rush freewill is already converted and can be found on farottone’s rush rock band spreadhseet i made and also found in my thread thread, done by puppetz, thanks for the update
Thanks for updating this Rush song!
Hell yes. Thank you for uploading Free Will. Last Rush song that I really want in the game, any more are added bonuses.
Thank you for updating Free Will!!
Con: http://www.mediafire.com/download/pvd36 … als_rb3con
Converted from guitar hero DLC. I added keys/pro keys and pro drums.
New Release!
Bullet for My Valentine:
Con: http://www.mediafire.com/download/vimc4 … .W._rb3con
Vocals are unpitched and I added overdrive.
Original Charter: opiumtest5
His FoF customs: http://www.fretsonfire.net/forums/viewt … 17&t=57557
Been wanting Young Cardinals forever. Thanks!
Your M.I.A Custom don’t work Headshot
Your M.I.A Custom don’t work Headshot
What’s the issue with it?
Your M.I.A Custom don’t work Headshot
What’s the issue with it?
Can’t load it on Wii it says the long sentence to restore the song
Your M.I.A Custom don’t work Headshot
What’s the issue with it?
Can’t load it on Wii
it says the long sentence to restore the song
Sorry I can’t help you out I don’t have a Wii
Your M.I.A Custom don’t work Headshot
What’s the issue with it?
Can’t load it on Wii
it says the long sentence to restore the song
Sorry I can’t help you out I don’t have a Wii
thanks for the info, at least you could make a file for Wii for MIA because it’s the only one that don’t work for some reasons
3 Doors Down:
Con: http://www.mediafire.com/download/dx7u9 … fts_rb3con
I added Drum/Bass, overdrive and reductions.
Original Charter: 3DDCharter
CAT REDUX to M.I.A. coming soon!
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