Guns n’ Roses – estranged

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  • #388846

    Would like to see this made. Its just a great song <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


    Totally agree 100%


    Third’d, it’s part of the “Without You” trilogy that Axl Rose and Del James sort of hammered out. That story’s kind of a long rabbit hole to get into, but basically Del James wrote this semi-autobiographical piece about Axl Rose as this tragic rock star, and “Don’t Cry,” “Estranged,” and “November Rain” made up the soundtrack. It appeared as a short story, “Without You,” in an anthology, but the publisher went over. That’s the story the “November Rain” video alludes to at the end, and collecting it was one of the early driving forces behind eBay in its early years, at least until somebody OCR’d the story and posted it online for those of us who don’t have a thousand bucks (not lying) to drop on a book. Good story if you want to look it up, very short, gives back story on the “November Rain” video as well as depth to the other videos.

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