Guido’s Customs : BILLY TALENT / Leave Them All Behind

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  • #450365
    Also, sorry for beating you to Reapers


    Ah, it was you was it… my adversary! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” />

    (Truth be told – your authored ‘guitar’ track was better….well, I had to see what the competation was offering didn’t I!)


    Awesome! Are you planning to make this full band? If not, would you be happy for me to use this as a basis? <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


    Seeing as I have started but you have asked.. I am happy to complete the full band to the best of my ability.. Watch this space….!

    hey Guido love your customs. Is there any chances on congregation you could add a kick pedal on the double crash after you play the fill around the kit if it hasn’t been done already?


    Can you be a little more specific where I need to be looking… if I can find it – sure… I will add it in if its true to the original…


    sorry i’m not the most musically inclined person, but it’s the double crash after the fill that’s repeated over and over in the game. It’s at the 22 second mark, 1:05 mark, 1:12 mark, 1:18 mark, 2:09 mark, 2:15 mark, 2:21 mark, 2:27 mark, 2:34 mark, 4:25 mark, 4:30 mark, 4:56 mark. It’s the double crash.


    I just noticed that i featured it in customs of the week episode i did here. If you go to the 4:58 mark you’ll what i am talking about. Notice the double crash at the end of the fill is just two crashes with no bass drum? Bass drum should be played on every single double crash.


    Will check this out tonight… thanks for posting….


      Guido is very serious about his work and we at C3 really wish him the best for his customs. Man, if you want us to look over your most accomplished custom and give you feedback, let us know! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif”>

      Also, sorry for beating you to Reapers


      Ah, it was you was it… my adversary! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” />

      (Truth be told – your authored ‘guitar’ track was better….well, I had to see what the competation was offering didn’t I!)


      Awesome! Are you planning to make this full band? If not, would you be happy for me to use this as a basis? <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


      Seeing as I have started but you have asked.. I am happy to complete the full band to the best of my ability.. Watch this space….!


      To be honest I don’t think there was an obvious ‘right’ way to do the Reapers guitar chart – I think I got a bit lucky with it!


      I’ll be looking forward to any updates for Burn Baby Burn <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />

      Guido is very serious about his work and we at C3 really wish him the best for his customs. Man, if you want us to look over your most accomplished custom and give you feedback, let us know! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


      That would be great.. judging by the download count: Congregation and Outside (both Foo Fighters of course), have 70 odd downloads each so either of these would be great to have comment on… if and when you get a chance to look over it would be great to have feedback on areas that need ‘refining’. Then, perhaps I could offer my meagre efforts to the dizzy heights of the Show Floor..????


      ….Bring it on!…


      Thank you.

      hey Guido love your customs. Is there any chances on congregation you could add a kick pedal on the double crash after you play the fill around the kit if it hasn’t been done already?


      Can you be a little more specific where I need to be looking… if I can find it – sure… I will add it in if its true to the original…


      sorry i’m not the most musically inclined person, but it’s the double crash after the fill that’s repeated over and over in the game. It’s at the 22 second mark, 1:05 mark, 1:12 mark, 1:18 mark, 2:09 mark, 2:15 mark, 2:21 mark, 2:27 mark, 2:34 mark, 4:25 mark, 4:30 mark, 4:56 mark. It’s the double crash.


      I just noticed that i featured it in customs of the week episode i did here. If you go to the 4:58 mark you’ll what i am talking about. Notice the double crash at the end of the fill is just two crashes with no bass drum? Bass drum should be played on every single double crash.


      Will check this out tonight… thanks for posting….


      OK, I have found the ‘offending’ areas (!) – these are now correct.

      New version available in the usual place. Jokeman… I appreciate you taking the time to comment.


      thanks Guido I’ll give it a spin tonight. Thanks again for the hard work and amazing song choices!


      thanks Guido I’ll give it a spin tonight. Thanks again for the hard work and amazing song choices!


      Update for SLASHs – World on Fire now available…


      I have created ‘anew’ the tempo map as this was badly off in places (well, it was a very early authoring effort!), added Drum Fills and Overdrive and general tweaking to the drum track – update your copy now, from the link below…





      Just completed this my first effort at a track with a duet.. (aka ‘Harmony’ in Rockband 3(!))

      A fantastic tune for all parts and one you wont want to be without.





      Did you add harmonies to the custom of tGood Times that was already done or did you chart it all?



      Did you add harmonies to the custom of tGood Times that was already done or did you chart it all?




      Hadnt realised someone else had covered… hence, all my own work…


      Enjoy !


        Always room for more Bryan Adams…


        Thank you! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


          Thanks for sharing this Guido, look forward to trying this out

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