Good Rats! Also, Finish Songs!

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  • #394270

    Please finish incomplete songs that are in the customs section. Let other users finish your work if you do not plan to.
    Full length songs please. Or an option somewhere for short/long. Maybe add (short) to the name of cut songs?

    Can we add harmonies to songs already existing on the game? Or maybe add (Live) versions with the harmonies?


    Song Requests:

    Meat Loaf – I Would Do Anything For Love (Full Length); Life is a Lemon

    Beastie Boys – Anything with multiple singers

    System of a Down – Everything, fully charted and harmonies

    Good Rats would be sweet! The Tasty album is rad.


    Please finish incomplete songs that are in the customs section. Let other users finish your work if you do not plan to.


    I’m just going to stop you there. I do realize that complete songs are better and more fun as more people can play.

    But it’s not nearly as easy as it sounds, believe me, all of my charts would be complete if I could do it, and I’m sure others feel the same.

    And it’s not as simple as “letting” other users finish the charts, they have to want to do it first and ask.


    So how about you appreciate what is available, instead of complaining about what is not.

    And if you want complete songs so much, why don’t you do it yourself since you seem to think it’s so easy.


      Yeah, let’s close this down, it’s obvious the user couldn’t even be bothered to find the RBHP project.

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