funkydunkleman’s Customs (3/15) – AC/DC – Crabsody in Blue

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      When will the rest of “Rock or Bust” be out?

        Devil vocals? My guess would be 3-dot. What’s so hard?


        The part where you’re supposed to do it all in German. It’s more the difficulty of singing the words correctly than the pitches, which I know is the wrong way to go when rating it, but I made an exception. If someone really doesn’t like it, they can change it in the .dta editor.


        I hope for vocals for Suspension without suspense by No doubt and for The wire by Haim


        Anything’s possible, but I haven’t managed to find any midis, or even sheet music of those tracks yet. Never say never, but most of my rough cuts getting vocals will come from the help of someone else. I would love to see all three parts of Haim charted to the harmonies, but it’s out of my pay-grade.


        When will the rest of “Rock or Bust” be out?


        To be determined. Outside of the two songs I released already, I really didn’t care much for the rest of the album. My expectations weren’t high, but I thought it was pretty lackluster. There is still a wealth of Brian Johnson back catalogue tracks that need to be worked on first. I will probably sprinkle in a RoB track here and there, but don’t expect a huge album pack with everything at once.


        Haim, Jack White, Nena! Awesome! Thanks for bringing the funk. (or should I say danke?)


          I only really want 3 more songs from ROB. “Dogs of War”, “Rock n Roll Thunder”, and for sure “Hard Times”


          Quick question is this the original 99 red balloons? If so, was 99 red balloons an English translation but also a remix?

            Quick question is this the original 99 red balloons? If so, was 99 red balloons an English translation but also a remix?


            It was originally released in West Germany in ’83, then recorded in English and released internationally in ’84. This is the first, original version.


            fwiw, I like that you put in the weekly updates that there wasn’t anything, so I (we) know.


            and just d/led 99luf balloons ; )


              Some of you that have young girls who will be off from school for awhile will either love me or hate me for this release.


              After releasing Blank Space a few weeks ago, I realized how simple some of the songs off 1989 are to chart once you get past the vocals, so without further ado, here are 4 more from that album, 3 of which have vocals.


              (Further ado) These vocals are not perfect. I only did harmonies on one. Nearly every song on this album has complex harmonies (at least by my standards), so there’s only so much I can do. The pitches have been taken from various sources, none of which were pre-made midis. Much of these songs involved me transcribing the notes from sheet music, which is very hard to find for free. I tried my best.




              This is the only one I tried to do harmonies on. They’re not perfect, and some are missing, but there’s enough there to give a second player plenty to sing. The drums are a real wild ride. Most action is on the toms, and there’s even a solo.



              This is the only track where the guitar is actually guitar (for most of it).



              Vox are pretty hairy on this one. The drum intro could be done more authentically, there are some quick snare rolls that could possibly go in there, but I decided to go for playability over realism.



              Sadly, my favorite track on the album is the one with no vocals. Could not find a solid source to get pitches from. May be updated in the future if one comes along. Probably the most boring instrumentally, but I couldn’t leave it out. I guess this goes down as a ‘rough cut’.


              CAT took care of pretty much all the reductions on these songs. They are so by the book timing-wise that I didn’t really need to go in and fiddle with it. I also made these songs, plus Blank Space into a 5 song album pack if you’re interested.


              I would’ve loved to have gotten these officially released, but the incompleteness of harmonies and considerable lack of polish on the vocals made it extremely far from ready, not to mention the inevitable pro keys that would have to be needlessly tacked on. Maybe someday they’ll get there, but for now you can get them here.


              For those of you who are not fans of this, I assure you, I’m done with the pop for awhile. It’s time to get back to go old rock and roll.


              I released my first ever custom on New Year’s Eve last year. I wonder if I will have anything planned for my first anniversary…


              Thanks everyone & enjoy.


                Oh dude. Amazing! Thanks for all that Swift. Love that you still managed to avoid doing Shake It Off hah


                dude thats absolutely amazing and don’t think people don’t like pop too its amazing work, do what ever you want not what everyone else wants its your work your doing no one is getting paid for this its all so we can all have a bit of fun thats all any of us are in it for


                Can you send me rpp for the 5 taylor swift songs and audio cheers wanna see if I can help finish them off


                  Love to see more pop stuff in RB, but is there a reason you avoided “Shake It Off”? Just curious, as I know that (along with “Blank Space”, uber-thanks on that one) would be huge at a Rock Band gathering I’m planning on having on the 27th. Thanks for these tracks though!


                  EDIT: Nevermind, saw your post where you used the “gunshot to the head” smiley about that song, ahaha. Still, thanks for these 5 Taylor tracks!


                    Fantastic! Great to see yet more Taylor Swift.


                    As far as “shake it off” – well… I could be way off base but C3 has done a pretty good job of releasing any recent song that could be a contender for “song of the year” (not in terms of quality, but popularity). I wouldn’t be surprised if it was on the agenda in the near future. Of course, who knows!

                    Fantastic! Great to see yet more Taylor Swift.


                    As far as “shake it off” – well… I could be way off base but C3 has done a pretty good job of releasing any recent song that could be a contender for “song of the year” (not in terms of quality, but popularity). I wouldn’t be surprised if it was on the agenda in the near future. Of course, who knows!


                    We already released Shake It Off, though in a bit of a different form <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_cheeky.001.gif” />


                      Yeah, though I don’t think the metal cover version would be as much of a hit as the original for the females at Rock Band gatherings. :-X

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