funkydunkleman’s Customs (3/15) – AC/DC – Crabsody in Blue

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  • #420214

    You rock Funky! Glory Days is one I have wanted for quite some time. Great choices. Thank you.


      Wow that Jet song would be awesome finished full band!!!

      Right on!


        Thank you so much for Glory Days!!!


          A couple updates done.


          Tempo map redone. Minor notes adjustments. Play markers added.


          Dryvox added. OD re-done. Lyrics cleaned up. Play markers added. Count-in re-done.


            New track.



            A favorite of mine off their just released album. It’s a fast, hard, energetic song that ends the album. Awesome guitar solo. Listen here.



            In case you forgot or don’t know what a “rough cut” includes;


            what to expect from these tracks


            Expert Guitar quality on par with my normal releases

            Expert Pro Drums quality on par with my normal releases

            Overdrive and Unison phrases

            Instrument play markers

            Drum animations

            Accurate tempo map

            CAT reductions (and only CAT, no EMH hand adjustments like usual)

            Correct metadata (Year, Genre, Album Art, Track #, etc.)


            what not to expect


            Bass rarely included. If it is, quality not guaranteed.

            No Vocals/Harmonies

            No lip sync

            No practice sections

            No camera/light cues

            No keys/pro keys

            No prompt updates over minor errors



            Funky you are the best! Thanks for The Black Keys!


            Dryvox added. OD re-done. Lyrics cleaned up. Play markers added. Count-in re-done.


            Hi Funky, I just want to let you know that this weekend I finally got a chance to play the updated version of “Hotel Yorba” that you posted on May 14, and the vocal audio goes out of sync with the on screen lyrics about midway through the song (not just slightly, but by a lot). I deleted it and re-installed your original file and everything was fine so I just wanted to let you know in case you were not aware of it yet.


            I was also wondering about your “rough cuts” customs, (*EDIT) how hard is it for a novice like myself (with 0 customs made) to add the talkies to them like you do on your AC/DC tracks. This would at least make them playable at my rock band gatherings (in my house nobody ever wants to play the songs without vocals). Just curious, thanks.


            *EDIT: I took out my question about you adding vocals or talkies to the “rough cuts” because I just saw your post explaining that you were done with them (I guess I missed that you explained this already). Perhaps my question about me trying to add talkies myself is better suited for the authoring thread (which I will do), but I didn’t want to completely delete it here either.


              Thanks for noting that. I’ll look into it.


              As for adding talkies, it’s actually pretty simple. If you just want to do 1 player vocals, it would be as simple as downloading the rpp and importing audio, then opening the empty vocal track and begin drawing notes.


              Just draw notes that match the syllable’s length. Pitch doesn’t matter since it’s unpitched, and CAT takes care of the formatting. I don’t think scrubbing is included with reaper, but it really helps with placing notes correctly.


              Once you have the note tubes done, find the lyrics somewhere online, put them through the lyric hyphenator, then bring it into notepad. Get rid of the commas, quotation marks, and other illegal punctuation. Put spaces between the hyphens, so words go from like-this to like- this.


              Save that file. In Reaper, CTRL+A to select all notes and then shift-L. It should import the text file to place the words on the tubes. There will likely be errors, so just keep the text open and adjust it where it needs it, then save, CTRL+A, shift-L, again until everything lines up 100%.


              As for doing phrase markers, you can either draw them yourself, or use CAT and put @ in front of the first word of every phrase, to do it for you. Once markers are done, CAT does overdrive, (I do one every 3 markers). CAT also can do the play/idle animations too. Then make sure they are unpitched, have CAT check the capitalization, and you should be done.


              From there you could either burn the file yourself, or just upload it and send it to me, and I’d gladly do the rest myself.


              I know what I just wrote is a lot, but once you do it first time, you know it forever. Most tutorials out there don’t include using CAT, which saves A LOT of time now, especially with vocals, so it can involve a lot of trial and error. But unpitched vocals at their simplest, are pretty easy to figure out. There are a lot of steps, but they are easy steps.


              I do all this with reaper 4.22 by the way. I don’t know if you have used it yet, but I believe CAT doesn’t work with anything older.


              I’m not sure if you’ll try any of this, but I figured it was worth 15 minutes of my time to write that.


              Wow, thank you very much Funky for your detailed reply (I already printed it out to use as a guide). I know that like most things, once you do it a few times it probably becomes pretty routine, but I must admit it seems like there’s much more to it than I thought (not surprising since I’m a total n00b). I have only tinkered with some of the software you mentioned and some I haven’t used at all but with awesome guidance like this, I would be remiss not to at least make an effort. Of course your post has filled me with more questions but I realize this thread isn’t really the place for that. I will post questions in the authoring thread once I dive in. First I must figure out why my stupid laptop keeps locking up (I think the HDD is starting to fail). I sound like a broken record but thanks so much for taking the time to answer my question in such detail. Yet another example of how awesome this community is in so many ways.

                Get rid of the commas, quotation marks, and other illegal punctuation. Put spaces between the hyphens, so words go from like-this to like- this.



                That sounds like something that can be done with a script relatively easily. If no one else gets to it any time soon I might see what I can do with it.


                Thanks for the how-to, funky! I’m looking at doing some vocals for a song or two here soon, so this will be a huge help.


                  Actually, only commas and full stops are illegal. Anything else can have a use. Also, CAT can remove commas and full stops automatically.

                    Actually, only commas and full stops are illegal. Anything else can have a use. Also, CAT can remove commas and full stops automatically.


                    Actually, in Rock Band quotations are also illegal. From the docs:


                    The only end-of-sentence punctuation that should be used is question marks and exclamation marks. We try to use these sparingly and only when we feel appropriate. Commas and periods should not be used for punctuation, though periods can be used for abbreviations; for example, A.M. or P.M. If there is a question mark or exclamation mark in the middle of a phrase, capitalize the next word. We avoid using quotation marks.

                      Actually, in Rock Band quotations are also illegal. From the docs:


                      Weird, when me and Nemo gathered info about what needed to be stripped, quotiation marks were included in the “do not remove” list. Are you sure it’s an illegal thing and not a “try not to use them” thing?

                        Wow, thank you very much Funky for your detailed reply.



                        I know there are things I could have said in more detail, but like you said, just post any more problems to the forums. For doing just un-pitched vocals, you will only experience like, 30 out of a possible 10,000 problems and errors that come with doing customs.



                        EDIT: I also fixed Hotel Yorba too by the way.


                          Yep. The whole thing.











                          Note to self: Never make full albums. :sweatdrop: :qq:


                          Lots of fan favorites here. Jailbreak and Dirty Deeds were on the LIVE pack, and can now be played in a much shorter period of time. Ride On is an uncharacteristically slow and mellow jam. Rock in Peace has not been heard by most of the American audience, as it wasn’t on that version of the album. Problem Child features some of Bon’s best lyrics. Big Balls will delight those with the dirtiest of minds, and squealer is one of the only AC/DC tracks to be driven by the bassline.


                          This album does feature several tracks that fade out. I tried my best to make them end as smoothly as possible.


                          Also, these could have been proofread a little bit more, but I got so worn out on this album that I just couldn’t bear to keep working on it. There might be a tiny smudge here or there, but nothing should detract from the fun and playability. If you have a problem, let me know. Plus I just wanted to get this out there for the weekend. I took way too long on it.


                          And if there’s another Bon track you’re waiting for, keep on waitin’. I’m done for awhile with him.


                          Anyways, enjoy!

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