funkydunkleman’s Customs (3/15) – AC/DC – Crabsody in Blue

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      Hey dude, question about your customs; When you update a track (like adding bass or whatever it may be), how do you get it so people can just delete the old custom off their stick and put the new one on without clearing and rebuilding the cache? Is it just changing the preexisting song ID?




        I think that’s the best way to do it. As someone who rebuilds their cache every time a new song gets added, a new song ID is the best idea for bypassing an older version for someone who doesn’t want to rebuild their cache every time.


        I think regardless, it’s a good idea of adding version number to a song ID for any significant song changes since alot of people aren’t as well versed in song cache stuff as the rest of us.

          I think the best way is to allow Magma to add the version number to the song id and the con name. That way both the con and song id change every time you compile the song and it forces the game to add it to the cache and discard the old one.


          This may lead to trouble. We know that any song ID picked up by the game is added and stays in the cache. While that probably won’t count toward the total maximum number of songs you can load, it may lead to issues we are not foreseeing. Using the Magma feature to change the ID is good, I just wouldn’t advise having it automatically change at every single rebuild, also because it’s true that changing ID will make the game pick up the song as much as it’s true that a new ID may make the game not pick up a song that was previously added (because we don’t exactly why any new song ID is not recognised). I actually had that happen to me quite a few times.


            Just wanted to give a quick update.


            After the recent barrage of AC/DC tracks, I got a little burnt out and needed to take a break. That, combined with doing a lot of spring cleaning, and the fact that I got a PS4, is why it’s been pretty quiet. But fear not, more is on the way. I’ll probably get a track out in the next day or two… but then we also have the NFL draft coming up, and the Blackhawks are kicking ass right now, so output may be down for a little while longer. Still got lots of surprises in the works though! :rock:

              Just wanted to give a quick update.


              After the recent barrage of AC/DC tracks, I got a little burnt out and needed to take a break. That, combined with doing a lot of spring cleaning, and the fact that I got a PS4, is why it’s been pretty quiet. But fear not, more is on the way. I’ll probably get a track out in the next day or two… but then we also have the NFL draft coming up, and the Blackhawks are kicking ass right now, so output may be down for a little while longer. Still got lots of surprises in the works though! :rock:

              Good to hear Funkydunkleman, a Hawks fan hey, me too. Could it be 3 cups in 4 years?????

                Just wanted to give a quick update.


                After the recent barrage of AC/DC tracks, I got a little burnt out and needed to take a break. That, combined with doing a lot of spring cleaning, and the fact that I got a PS4, is why it’s been pretty quiet. But fear not, more is on the way. I’ll probably get a track out in the next day or two… but then we also have the NFL draft coming up, and the Blackhawks are kicking ass right now, so output may be down for a little while longer. Still got lots of surprises in the works though! :rock:


                You deserve a break buddy! You have been killing it with the AC/DC and other incredible customs you have done. Relax and enjoy your PS4. I have one as well and love it! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


                you deserve it! have a good custom vacations!


                  Just wanted to give an update on one of my older songs.



                  I had put it off for too long, but this track needed the tempo map redone. There were a few wonky spots. Also, the timing of the lyrics were noticeably off. Both of those are fixed. Also overdrive has also been tweaked. I know I said these should be the final versions awhile back, but pobody’s nerfect. Of all the AC/DC, this was by far the most in need of an update, if not the only one. Hopefully lynxis‘ 3rd annual rock out will rock a little bit more if this gets played again next year.


                  Also… new release incoming.



                    A gem from Stiff Upper Lip. Features no backing vocals. Guitar will put your fingers to the test. Has a couple nice solos too.





                      i remember me charting this song time ago, the guitar part was very funy, thank you for relasing it on full band

                      Just wanted to give an update on one of my older songs.



                      I had put it off for too long, but this track needed the tempo map redone. There were a few wonky spots. Also, the timing of the lyrics were noticeably off. Both of those are fixed. Also overdrive has also been tweaked. I know I said these should be the final versions awhile back, but pobody’s nerfect. Of all the AC/DC, this was by far the most in need of an update, if not the only one. Hopefully lynxis‘ 3rd annual rock out will rock a little bit more if this gets played again next year.


                      Also… new release incoming.



                      Hey Funky, I just want to give you a heads up that the visualizer in your above post says “Night Prowler” but when I downloaded it & went to transfer the song to the 360 the file shows up as “Love Hungry Man”. Not sure which one it really is in-game because I stopped right there and didn’t finish doing the swap. I wasn’t sure which one to replace so I just left things as they were.


                        Whoops. I didn’t change the RBPROJ file when I re-made it. It’s been fixed and re-uploaded. I wouldn’t recommend just renaming it in the .dta editor, as the difficulties and track number are the same as Love Hungry Man.


                        Sorry for the mistake everyone. I may be posting something interesting tonight, and it’s not AC/DC related.


                          I’d like to introduce funky’s Rough Cuts.


                          What are they?


                          These are tracks made by me, from scratch.


                          They are not full band. They will be just Guitar/Pro Drums of songs that I want to play in RB, but never intended to do as full band customs. They may be hits, they may be from relative unknowns. These are songs I want to play. I’m not trying to appeal to anyone else but me.


                          If anyone wants to add anything, the RPP and audio is provided along with the track. Please, don’t ask me to add more to them, I’m done with them. If you really want vocals/harmonies/keys/pro keys added, find time to do it yourself. If you do, I’ll be more than happy to update them and credit you for your contribution.


                          what to expect from these tracks


                          Expert Guitar quality on par with my normal releases

                          Expert Pro Drums quality on par with my normal releases

                          Overdrive and Unison phrases

                          Instrument play markers

                          Drum animations

                          Accurate tempo map

                          CAT reductions (and only CAT, no EMH hand adjustments like usual)

                          Correct metadata (Year, Genre, Album Art, Track #, etc.)


                          what not to expect


                          Bass rarely included. If it is, quality not guaranteed.

                          No Vocals/Harmonies

                          No lip sync

                          No practice sections

                          No camera/light cues

                          No keys/pro keys

                          No prompt updates over minor errors



                          Now on to the debut tracks!



                          RPP Audio *Does feature bass track of good quality found from a midi file.


                          RPP Audio


                          RPP Audio


                            Thanks for posting these funky, look forward to playing all of them!!

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