Full Band – Request

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  • #395630

    These songs are already in the database. I Request Full band of This Songs.



    R.E.M. – “Imitation Of Life” , ”Bad Day” – Drums, Vocals, Bass, Keys (missing)


    MUSE – Hyper Chondriac Music – Drums, Vocals, Bass, Keys (missing)


    QUEENS OF THE STONE AGE – First It Giveth – Guitar, Vocals, Bass, (missing)

    Monster in a Parasol – Vocals, (missing)

    The Bronze – Vocals, Bass, (missing)




    Optimistic – Drums, Vocals, Bass, Keys (missing)

    A Wolf at the Door – Guitar, Vocals, Bass, Keys (missing)

    Jigsaw Falling Into Place – Guitar, Vocals, Bass (missing)

    Vegetable – Drums, Vocals, Bass (missing)

    Planet Telex – (DONE)

    The Bends – (DONE)

    (Nice Dream) – (DONE)

    Bullet Proof…I Wish I Was – Drums, Vocals, Bass (missing)

    Black Star – Drums, Vocals, Bass (missing)

    Sulk – Drums, Vocals, Bass (missing)

    Lewis – Drums, Vocals, Bass (missing)

    Talk Show Host – (DONE)

    Idioteque – Drums, Vocals, Bass, Keys (missing)

    2+2=5 – Drums, Vocals, Bass (missing)

    Sail to the Moon – Drums, Vocals, Bass, Keys (missing)

    Go To Sleep – Drums, Vocals, Bass (missing)

    There There – Drums, Vocals, Bass (missing)

    Myxomatosis – Drums, Vocals, Bass, Keys (missing)

    Bodysnatchers – Drums, Vocals, Bass (missing)

    All I Need – Drums, Vocals, Bass, Keys (missing)

    Faust Arp – Vocals (missing)

    House of Cards – Drums, Vocals, Bass, Keys (missing)

    Bangers + Mash – Drums, Vocals, Bass (missing)


    AVRIL LAVIGNE – ”Nobody’s Fool” , ”Hot” – Drums, Vocals, Bass (missing)



    I Bet You Look Good on the Dancefloor – (DONE)

    Dancing Shoes – Vocals (missing)

    Fake Tales of San Francisco – Vocals (missing)

    The View from the Afternoon – Vocals (missing)

    Fluorescent Adolescent – Vocals (missing)



    Take It Or Leave It – Guitar, Drums, Bass (missing)

    Vision of Division – Guitar, Drums, Bass (missing)

    Hard To Explain – Drums, Vocals, Bass (missing)

    The Modern Age – Guitar, Vocals, Bass (missing)



    My Heart is Broken – Vocals, Bass (missing)

    All That I’m Living For – Vocals (missing)

    My Immortal – Keys (missing)


    FLYLEAF – ”Breathe Today” , ”Beautiful Bride” ,”Cassie”… (more Flyleaf songs please!) – Vocals, Bass (missing)


    that is all. write songs here that are not on this list. :airquote:


      EDIT: Never mind, mis-read topic title.




        R.E.M. – “Imitation Of Life” , ”Bad Day”

        If you can get other authors to contribute non-vocal parts, I will do vocals for these, gladly.



        THE STROKES:

        Hard To Explain


        AHAHAH that ones mine, still working on making it full band.

        It will be awhile, I don’t have much time to work on customs because of school.


        the ”myxomatosis” drum is awesome!


        ”Hot” , would be great


        If you can get other authors to contribute non-vocal parts, I will do vocals for these, gladly.

        Thanks Atruejedi! Where i get others authors? or i just wait here someone to contribute?


        AHAHAH that ones mine, still working on making it full band.

        It will be awhile, I don’t have much time to work on customs because of school.

        hahahah it’s alright dude. I’m not demanding that you do. I’m just soliciting random authors to contribute in these songs. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_happy.png” />


        Actually, I have the guitar and bass chart for I Bet You Look Good on the Dancefloor.


          I didn’t know that we could make specifically full-band song requests. +1 on this idea and list. Might make one of my own sometime


          Actually, I have the guitar and bass chart for I Bet You Look Good on the Dancefloor

          Great! Now just need to authors for the vocals


          I didn’t know that we could make specifically full-band song requests. +1 on this idea and list. Might make one of my own sometime

          Hahah me neither. I just do. Because they are very good songs to have only 1 Instrument


            Great! Now just need to authors for the vocals


            Hahah me neither. I just do. Because they are very good songs to have only 1 Instrument

            oh man I Bet You Look Good on the Dancefloor has been my number 1 request! I hope you guys can find a someone to do vocals!


            oh man I Bet You Look Good on the Dancefloor has been my number 1 request! I hope you guys can find a someone to do vocals!

            I’d be willing to do vocals, but it’ll take a while.(I never really do vocals or harmonies).

            (1/4 of the way there)


              I’d be willing to do vocals, but it’ll take a while.(I never really do vocals or harmonies).

              (1/4 of the way there)

              There’s a drum version in the database!

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