Added reaper files for The Chain
The Chain!!
Awesome. Thank you!!
expect a bass upgrade from me soon on the chain, probably before friday
expect a bass upgrade from me soon on the chain, probably before friday
Thanks! ” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />
After reading the description of “The Chain”, I’m intrigued to play this on drums.
Reaper Files- … Reaper.rar
Thanks a lot for “The World I Know” ” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />
Edit: do you think you could do “Smashing Young Man”, also by Collective Soul?
Are you gettin’ it? Really gettin’ it? Come get it from me!
I’m gettin’ it!!!
Thanks a lot for “The World I Know”” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />
Edit: do you think you could do “Smashing Young Man”, also by Collective Soul?
You’re welcome and “Smashing Young Man” is probably not going to be coming from us. Hopefully someone else will pick it up for you.
Added Reaper files for Armageddon It. Good luck to whoever tries vocals/harmonies on that one.
Nice to see The Chain reaper files get some downloads.
The album won the Grammy for Best Rock Album in 1997 and the artist won the Grammy for Best Female Rock Vocal Performance for this song. Enjoy.
Reaper Files –
It can’t be that bad.
Wow, it’s like you are reading my mind for what I would love to play, when it comes to what you are charting!
Great stuff! ” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />
Woooo! Live!
Now you may ask me “Dude, why all the chick songs?” And I would just point you to the list of priorities in the OP. And she likes playing RB just as much as me.
There are many covers of this song so I chose the one that was most familiar to me.
I’ve totally forgotten about uploading the RPP files. I’ll get to that Sunday while watching football.
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