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  • #391970

    Hey guys, so I recently found out about how to do customs for RB3 and haven’t tinkered around with doing this since the days of GH2. When working with Reaper, I’m trying to figure out what might be the best way to start charting a song. I picked a slower song (about 73 BPM) and already tempo-mapped it, so I believe I’m ready to start doing the instruments now.


    Last night I was starting to do the drums, but was having issues differentiating certain parts of the kit. Are drums usually the best way to start out? The song has all instruments and harmonies, and I am assuming that Keys and Vocals are going to be the last that I should chart. Thanks ahead of time guys!


      Hi and welcome. Did you take a look at our tutorials, including the PDF document? <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif”>


      I have and it has been very helpful. I didn’t find a midi of the song that I liked, so I opted to do it the hard way and do it by ear. I also have watched a good chunk of the video in said PDF document, as to have a visual representation of what exactly is going on.

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