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  • #391552
      PART VOCALS: Have been tested and appear to be complete but maybe someone can have a look and see what they think? I used a karaoke midi for this part which had in detail the pitch etc so i’m assuming its sot on but in rock band terms needs a finishing touch <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif”>

      I fixed things up through 22.1 in this RPP (see the PART VOCALS nyx track):


      General vocal advice:

      • Break phrases up more. I like to use one for each breath, but that’s a preference, not a rule.
      • Make sure only the first word of each phrase is capitalized, except for proper nouns and whatnot.
      • There should almost always be a 2/64 gap between vocal tubes.
      • For slides, the general rule is: at least a 2/64 gap for a semitone (single) interval, and at least 3/64 for larger intervals.
      • Use scrub mode to determine exactly where tubes begin and end.
      • Don’t include consonant sounds like “s” – e.g., 15.3.68 “my” should end 4/64 earlier, so it doesn’t include the “s” sound in “self”.


      PART BASS: I think this is complete but maybe someone thinks it could be better?

      General: notes should have at least a 1/32 gap before the next.

      Notes that are less than 3/16 long shouldn’t have a sustain.

      8.4 need an orange here

      9.3.50 no sustain on this one

      Missing lots of bass notes: 14.3.50, 15.1.50, 16.1.50, 18.1.50, 19.1.50

      – You probably need to use ReaEq to boost the low frequencies, or maybe buy headphones with better bass <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif”>

      (stopped around M19)


        General vocal advice:

          [*]Break phrases up more. I like to use one for each breath, but that’s a preference, not a rule.


        This works for the awesome guys at authoring vocals. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif”> For the mere mortals slightly longer phrases help nailing them (though I’m not commenting on the length of this song’s, just as a general rule).


          General vocal advice:

            [*]Break phrases up more. I like to use one for each breath, but that’s a preference, not a rule.


          This works for the awesome guys at authoring vocals. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif”> For the mere mortals slightly longer phrases help nailing them (though I’m not commenting on the length of this song’s, just as a general rule).

          How about this rule of thumb: try and make each phrase at least 10 tubes, or at least 3 seconds of singing.


            How about this rule of thumb: try and make each phrase at least 10 tubes, or at least 3 seconds of singing.


            What I tend to do is I do “normal phrases” when the part isn’t challenging and I try to merge 2 phrases in one when I think the part is complex. I don’t know about a rule, I think what you believe works is the way to go, I would just caution new authors to, in doubt, err on the side of longer instead of shorter. But obviously not crazy long. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif”>

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