Exact method to change album art in customs?

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    I’ve been trying for years to get my Rockband customs right. I know how to edit the DTA file with the DTA editor.


    Two things I really want to do, but the first is to change album art. I’ve noticed when you get customs for one album from five different customs creators, you get five different album covers and none of them look quite right. I’ve found a site that pulls 1500×1500 album covers from iTunes — probably the best method I can think of. Another good source is Amazon which goes up to, I think 500×500. Not sure what the 360 can support, but it’s no big deal to downsample with Xnview.


    I found that I can unpack a CON file but I can’t see how to pack it back together. Is there a way to change the album art without going through all that?


    I understand if customs creators are proud of how they have their customs set up. I only want to change it on my end. That being said, if someone wants the cleaned-up versions, I’d be happy to share if I can do so in a way that does not upset the customs creators.


    Next step is lyrics, but one step at a time.


    Update: I found the hidden CON Explorer application in RBtoUSB. So, this seems to be progress. I can now change album covers. However, the DTA file isn’t what seems to contain the actual metadata.


    I’m looking at the song “So What?” by Metallica. The DTA file has the album as “Garage Inc.” and the year as 1998; however, on the Xbox 360, the album is still showing as “Metallica” and the year is showing as “1991.” (Technically neither is correct. “Garage Inc.” is a compilation. The song actually appeared on the “Sad But True” single, but for simplicity’s sake I’m trying to bundle it with “Garage Inc.” since that’s where most fans would look for it.)


    So, if the DTA file isn’t where Rockband 3 gets its information, then how can I edit these fields? What’s interesting about this is, when I right-click the song in RBtoUSB and do Send to → Visualizer, it actually displays the correct (from the DTA) album name and release year. So, why can’t Rockband 3 see the same info? Why have 2 sets of information, and why not edit both sets of information in the same place? I get that modifying files on a closed system isn’t child’s play, I’m just looking for helpful instructions on how to get it done.


      As far as I know all the metadata is indeed in the DTA file.


      Could you have old data in your cache?


        Did you delete your songcache after making changes?


          Once the songcache is deleted, it’ll load up a new one when the game boots up, then you’ll see the changes.


            Not sure what the 360 can support, but it’s no big deal to downsample with Xnview.

            We’ve tried as big as 2048×2048 but it really is not recommended as the image is quite large. 512×512 is more than enough for the game. HMX uses mostly 256×256.

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