Elvis Presley – Songs

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  • #392443

    Are there any plans in mind for some rock band or something like that, where he can play and sing King songs?


    It would be a dream to play and sing songs like these:



    Baby What You Want Me To Do(Pure rock n roll, man!)


    Heartbreak Hotel



    Hound Dog



    All Shook Up



    Jailhouse rock



    Don’t Be Cruel


    Blue Suede Shoes



    All these songs have in 68 Comeback. We have Elvis fans here? Someone supports me? :dance:


    More ideas?





    I doubt Harmonix will ever do any Elvis material.


      I doubt Harmonix will ever do any Elvis material.

      Except, you know, the song on the RB4 disc


      Sent from my HTC6500LVW using Tapatalk


      Except, you know, the song on the RB4 disc


      Sent from my HTC6500LVW using Tapatalk

      I’m talking about his songs from the 50s


        I doubt Harmonix will ever do any Elvis material.


        Good thing this is a customs forum <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” />


          I cant speak for other authors but to do any song you have to like it. Most of the great authors on here are fairly young and like to do songs from their generation or what they listen to. Being an old fart, Elvis is on my to do list for at least two songs but none from OP’s list. In saying that my to do list is also 200 songs long


          I cant speak for other authors but to do any song you have to like it. Most of the great authors on here are fairly young and like to do songs from their generation or what they listen to. Being an old fart Elvis is on my to do list for at least two songs, None from OP’s list In saying that my to do list is also about 200 songs long

          1 song from him is on my list too.


            Someday I had planned to do an Elvis song, but by the time I get to it these other fine authors will probably have beat me to them all <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” /> Thanks for adding to a great community, guys!


              I doubt Harmonix will ever do any Elvis material.



              I’m talking about his songs from the 50s


              So if you meant to say “any Elvis material from the 50s” why didn’t you just say so? :hocuspocus:





              So if you meant to say “any Elvis material from the 50s” why didn’t you just say so? :hocuspocus:

              I was just assuming that people would know what i’d meant.




                  Good thing this is a customs forum <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” />

                  Wait, this is a customs forum?


                  Damn…I’ve been in the wrong place all this time! No wonder I can’t get this USB stick to work in my toaster.


                    To be fair…at least HMX got the best Elvis song, IMO. I love “Suspicious Minds”.


                    To be fair…at least HMX got the best Elvis song, IMO. I love “Suspicious Minds”.

                    That is true.


                      The frustrating thing about songs from the 50s/early 60s is that they are immensely harder to author compared to even fast paced, technically hard to play modern songs. Can’t hear a thing, very inaccurate material to start from…

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