Editor on Fire – Magma compile error

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  • #394659

    I used Editor on Fire to create my first song chart but i’m struggling to compile it in Magma. I get this during the build process:


    Loading MagmaCompilerC3.exe…
    Reading the archive
    Project Compiler: Reading project ‘D:!Phase Shift song editorA Child And His Lawn Mower RB3CON FILE_extractedRootsongsC3fileforupload.rbproj’…
    Project Compiler: Entering Phase 1 of 5…
    Metadata Compiler: Starting…
    Metadata Compiler: Done.
    Project Compiler: Entering Phase 2 of 5…
    MIDI Compiler: Starting…
    ERROR: MIDI Compiler: (MIDI FILE): Track EVENTS required but not found
    ERROR: MIDI Compiler: (MIDI FILE): Halting validation due to missing and/or extraneous MIDI tracks
    MIDI Compiler: Done.
    ERROR: Project Compiler: Midi compiler failed.

    I’ve read that I need to rename the Track Events to “EVENTS” but I have no idea how to in Editor on Fire. Any ideas?


      Because you need to use REAPER with the RBN template???


      Apparently Editor on Fire can be used for RB3 customs (Says so on the website) but i’m not sure really i’m new to this


        Use REAPER just so you’re sure


          You can use EoF to chart the basic instruments, but need to finish it up through Reaper. I use EoF as well, but I still hand the work off to someone else to finish it through Reaper.


          You can use EoF to chart the basic instruments, but need to finish it up through Reaper. I use EoF as well, but I still hand the work off to someone else to finish it through Reaper.


          Ok thanks


            Enable the EOF import/export preference to save separate Rock Band files. Then when you’ve finished your work in EOF, use the notes_rbn.mid file instead of notes.mid, as it has the bare-bones Rock Band requirements (ie. BEAT and EVENTS tracks) included.


              Enable the EOF import/export preference to save separate Rock Band files. Then when you’ve finished your work in EOF, use the notes_rbn.mid file instead of notes.mid, as it has the bare-bones Rock Band requirements (ie. BEAT and EVENTS tracks) included.


              Oh yeah, I forgot about that. It’s probably not set automatically, right?


                It isn’t.


                  Apparently Editor on Fire can be used for RB3 customs

                  Don’t use just EOF to create a rb3 custom. You can create your charts with eof and then import those charts to Reaper to do the rest. And don’t forget to QUANTIZE!!!!

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