Ed Tanguy’s Customs- Happy Love Day!

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      So happy you guys are playing and enjoying my, rightly said, hard worked on, customs <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_emot-3.gif” />




      there is some rhythmic keys chords, but to make it more interesting, I charted the flute to keys/pro keys



      as usual, latest link is kept in the opening post


        Another track from the Spongebob Movie added! for those of you not into Spongebob, these songs aren’t ‘novelty’ like the official RB DLC Spongebob songs.. Infact these are just great songs in their own right



        If this building up to “Ocean Man” off of the Spongebob soundtrack, i will be so happy


          It is, but the tracks aren’t proving as popular, so there will be some other songs between that should be more popular : 3

            It is, but the tracks aren’t proving as popular, so there will be some other songs between that should be more popular : 3


            Pft, popular is for losers, follow your heart!


              I’ll never do a track that I myself would not desperatly love to play, but having popular customs motivates me more.. except.. Youth Gone Wild and now almost Sonic Boom has got more downloads than my latest album :/


                When I make customs, I (Like everyone else, I assume) only make what I believe to be important.. Usually a EMHX chart for all instruments and pro keys when I can, drum fills, overdrive phrases, unison phrases, etc etc, an enjoyable yet realisticly possible chart.. but i just use auto gen venue stuff and only dry vox when i have a multitrack (I recorded dryvox for Just a Kid, and i may do that more often)


                but i’m sure everyone would agree that it looks great when it’s given a final polish. Oddbrother has done that and so much more for one of my own songs, The Fight, adding Venue and animation stuffs and lyric shifting and a general tempo map clean up and a whole bunch of other things to make it look really nice, so please replace your old file or just grab version 2 if you haven’t got it yet from the opening post (I’ll leave the first one there for.. idk what reason)


                sooooo yeah! Thanks Oddbrother! <3


                annnnnnnd i should have some lovely new customs ready as soon as I have some chill time from all this Christmas hype!


                  Here’s two songs i’ve been working on.. dance, so… i guess you could say it’s for vocalists


                  Ride on Time



                  Lyrics say ‘right on time’ because those are the actual words from the song Black Box sampled (and didn’t originally credit)

                  guitar is guitar sometimes, but i noticed it wasn’t super fun and drowned out in the mix so it’s also got a bit of horn and strings charted

                  also so many drum machines, so i made something that seemed realistic


                  EDIT: This song faded out.. you can probably notice me trying to fix that


                  One Tribe



                  This is probably the first BEP custom out there because i haven’t seen any others..

                  for those who have been waiting for BEP, this is probably not the song you wanted… sorry..


                  guitar DOES enter, be patient


                    I have a bunch of songs all in various stages of being completed, thinking about releasing some together, like a pack but still separate, just related by one way or another… anyway, things are busy and stressful here at home but I still enjoy charting and I’m not stopping any time soon. POINT IS, I’ve updated the list of CDs I own, there’s always some on order, but I’m almost up to 800 CDs : D It’s always good to support the artist, and I thought you guys might be interested to know what kind of music I like


                    https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5Yp5U … NtaWs/edit


                    also, If I could, I would have done a billion songs by Mika, Jamiroquai, Tim Minchin, etc etc, but keys man….


                    Nice collection. I’m sure you weren’t soliciting requests by showing what you own, but anything from The Ting Tings would be awesome. My wife would flip for Great DJ, I I’d take anything you felt like charting from them. Ha. Anyway, thanks for your hard work and helping to keep RB alive! :excited:


                      this one has actually been done for a while but it needed OD placement and that’s not the fun part for me, so i did other things… but i finally got to it and here it is..



                      I’m thinking of getting packs together now, not much difference except when i release songs, i release more songs.. one pack should be done pretty soon, and then i’ll see how that goes..


                      I could just tell you all what i have in progress, but where’s the fun in that? <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” />


                      You tease, but man, you have just put on quality stuff since you started this thread, so i’m willing to wait.


                        Thanks <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_emot-3.gif” /> this upcoming scottish 3 pack takes one track from each of his albums, and it’s not full of guitar because it’s dance really, but i have some super guitar worthy singles close to being done too


                        It’s great to see some more MSI! The only song of theirs I had up until now was “Seven Eleven”. Are there any others floating around out there? Certainly wouldn’t mind having some songs from “You’ll Rebel to Anything”.


                          The three songs I’ve done were chosen because I had the multitracks. I think I have 2 or 3 more from if, but they’re not the best songs, except Lights Out which hasn’t got the stems lined up for some reason :/ but i’ll probably sort that out in the future.. It’s hard for me to hear all the instruments clearly in MSI songs, but if i could without multitracks, i would do the whole YRtA album, and a few from Tighter, FGWSSS, and their latest.. Oh how i would love It Gets Worse

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