Ed Tanguy’s Customs- Happy Love Day!

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  • #437149

      Somehow I missed that Slightly Stoopid addition.

      Thanks for doing that one!

      My wife will go crazy for Crowded House.

      Great choices!


      Dude BMTH!! Awesomeee!! I think just peed a little.


        thank ed everything works like a charm,,, you are the man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



          while the custom (of valentines) is absolute rubbish, customs (for Rock Band) are… okay a lot are rubbish but.. HERE ARE SOME LOVE-THEMED SONGS


          When I planned this pack, I had ideas for like 7 other songs which all got scrapped.. as soon as you start listening with the intent to author, they become 1000x more complicated, BUT LOOK, BRITISH SONGS YAY


          I had no idea this was a cover? one of the most needed madness songs


          I SAID DON’T COME IN MUM, I’M RECORDING and then she jumps on the mic and it’s all ruined..

          now, at one or two times, i hear the smallest bit of keys and the smallest bit of bass, but not enough to properly chart, i’m very disappointed with myself, but it’s still really really fun to play and sing, and a great song


          CLASSIC song… okay maybe Australian, not British.. but Scottish born so.. he kind of is Brit-ish?



          Now calm down, I can be all your Valentine’s ;3


          i have no words, i love you man no homo or anything depeche mode!!! now i can only wish for pet shop boys xxxxx




            (Thanks dude)


              Depeche Mode and Madness. Great choices!


                I’d love to fix the drums for God Gave Rock ‘n Roll to you. I love that song!


                Just want to say thanks so much for the full band Madness tracks :-) Madness have a brilliant back catalogue so hope you do some more from them soon! :-D


                  Very sorry we had to pull a song. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_frown.gif”>


                    I’m guessing it was the Depeche Mode song since someone else mentioned and it is no longer up there. Which song was it? I can only assume (and hope) that means it is going to be a C3 release in the near future? I effing love Depeche Mode.

                      Very sorry we had to pull a song. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_frown.gif” />


                      actually fuck off, just.. ARGH.. you’re not even remotely fucking sorry, i was working on it when i could see that no one else was, then you stopped me seeing what was being worked on, and i released it first, so.. i think you’ll be fine by not releasing it yourself? JUST PUT BACK MY FUCKIGN SONG SIOHE;GUSIEo’ YOUR EGO JUST CAN’T GET ENOUGH


                        Ed, take 7 days off will you? You got into the group, you used our playtesting resources and then refused to work on releasing the songs that people spent time testing. You don’t bother checking with us before working on popular songs: that’s not a smart thing, considering plenty of authors message us to avoid wasting time.


                        Let me translate what you said for the benefit of the forum goers: we let you in and gave you access to our schedulers. For months you didn’t release anything, not even the songs that were in playtesting. As we explain to every author we bring in, bringing in authors and coaching them and helping them requires resources, resources we don’t have plentyful. So, if an author can’t or won’t contribute, we can’t keep them in the collective because a days has only so many hours. For that reason we had to part ways and revoke your account, which means you don’t have access to the scheduler anymore. This happened months ago, months during which all authors work hard on new songs. Why would you assume that something not in the works months ago wasn’t being worked on I don’t know. As we always say to everybody: smartest thing is to PM us when you work on popular songs or when you embark on a time consuming project. We would have just released the song in your name, as we always do in these cases: it doesn’t matter how many hours the sponsoring author spend on the song, we credit the original author for the whole song. You know why? Because as a collective we have no ego, it’s all about the people working on the songs.


                        When you come back I would advise against 2 things:

                        1) Pulling your songs. Don’t make the users pay for your choice.

                        2) Making more fuss about this: you are not the first and unfortunately you won’t be the last person who works on something we have to pull. It pains us but we need to do it to keep the engine going. All the other authors who in the past had to go through this behaved like true gentlemen and we are forever grateful for that.


                        Also, as I said, if you want to collaborate on the song, once you come back let me know and we can do that so that most of your work can see the light of day.

                          Very sorry we had to pull a song. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_frown.gif” />


                          actually fuck off, just.. ARGH.. you’re not even remotely fucking sorry, i was working on it when i could see that no one else was, then you stopped me seeing what was being worked on, and i released it first, so.. i think you’ll be fine by not releasing it yourself? JUST PUT BACK MY FUCKIGN SONG SIOHE;GUSIEo’ YOUR EGO JUST CAN’T GET ENOUGH



                          sometimes thats just the way the cookie crumbles,

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