Double bass options (ion drum rocker)

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    About to buy a ion drum rocker kit and was wondering what options I have with double bass. Looking at the drum brain it only has one kick input and I used a generic 3.5mm splitter with the beetles kit and they didn’t work together (i.e when one was pressed down, the other wouldn’t work).


    Just wondering what the cheapest way to get double bass would be, been searching for the roadie ones but can’t find any, even on ebay.


    Location is Australia btws.


    Thanks guys!


    I think there exists a splitter especially made for IONs though I don’t know how they look like or where to get them


    I have some splitter for my Ions which allows double bass but I don’t remember the name of it at the moment and I’m not sure if it’s even sold anymore.


    look on ebay for a practice bass drum pad . then find a double bass pedal at your local music store( a cheap buy decent one goes for about 160 new) then go to radio shack and by a buzzer unit in the racks and pull the piezo out of it and put it inside the practice pad. now you have a real double bass setup that works a million times better than the ion pedals. I have a box that converts the piezo signal to on off to work with the ion controller ill sell you real cheap if you go that route.


    a kick box is whats needed i just remembered the name. they are very easy to make if you have any soldering skills

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