DoNotPassGo’s Customs (Journey Pack: Progress)
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September 4, 2014 at 3:13 pm #428554
I’ve pretty much just been using whatever the default is on the template (I’m assuming the ReaSynth)
Both the songs I’ve actually put Pro Key work into have been songs that I can personally play on the piano. I’ve just had to use the beeps to try and correct some areas where the studio recording has the pianist playing a personal style in it (if you know what I mean).
It likely would not be a bad idea to move up to something like that, actually. Thanks for the heads up!
September 4, 2014 at 3:33 pm #428555Yeah, ReaSynth is the default one, it’s mostly good for vocals pitches IMO, so hopefully a Piano VST will help out with these complex parts for you
” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />
September 18, 2014 at 1:18 pm #429387[update]
– Barenaked Ladies: The History of Everything is up for assistance. Mainly need help charting vocals, and then someone to check off the expert charts for everything else.
– Faithfully is being re-worked on to fix up the Pro Keys
– 100 Years is still in the charting process
September 22, 2014 at 12:48 pm #429704[update]
Barenaked Ladies: The History of Everything
– Download link removed; moved to “Reserved” for now
– Will be reuploaded when ejthedj finishes helping with the vocals
Five for Fighting: 100 Years
– Instruments finished
– Fixing up Pro Keys
– Deciding if to chart Strings onto guitar chart (currently, no guitar chart).
Journey: Faithfully
– Still working on Pro Keys
September 22, 2014 at 9:01 pm #429725Five for Fighting: 100 Years
– Deciding if to chart Strings onto guitar chart (currently, no guitar chart).
There is actual acoustic guitar in that song. It’s a bit buried in the mix, but I can hear it, especially in the second verse and chorus.
September 22, 2014 at 9:27 pm #429726Five for Fighting: 100 Years
– Deciding if to chart Strings onto guitar chart (currently, no guitar chart).
There is actual acoustic guitar in that song. It’s a bit buried in the mix, but I can hear it, especially in the second verse and chorus.
Honestly, I really assumed there was. I was hoping someone would bite when I said that because I honestly was not sure. I was having a lot of trouble hearing it, so I was hoping someone could help there. I’ll try and mess with the EQ and see if I can pull it out.
September 29, 2014 at 2:26 pm #430162[update 09.29.14]
– The History of Everything re-uploaded. File is ready to be looked over.
– Removed the Faithfully download link until corrections are finished.
October 16, 2014 at 1:04 pm #431123[update 10.16.14]
Cheap Trick – The Flame added to Reserved List
: Tempo Map and Drums finished at the moment
Faithfully Pro Keys down to a couple of problem measures to chart
100 Years touching up Vocals and keys
November 5, 2014 at 2:34 pm #432175[update]
BNL – The History of Everything
– File reuploaded
– Reductions finished, Vocals/Harmonies charted
Journey – Faithfully
– File reuploaded
– Reductions finished, Vocals charted
– File finished outside of Keys/Pro Keys (currently unfinished)
Cheap Trick – The Flame
– Instruments finished
– Reductions charted
– ejthedj is working on Vocals (file will be ready and uploaded after he is finished)
Five for Fighting – 100 Years
– Vocals charted
– Still figuring out Guitar part
– [Pro] Keys currently being fixed up
November 17, 2014 at 6:12 pm #433053[update]
– The Flame uploaded
November 19, 2014 at 2:05 am #433138Sorry for the triage delay – things got a little crazy with the Genesis thing. I’ll work through a couple songs each night until I’m caught up.
November 19, 2014 at 1:12 pm #433148No problem at all. I’m sure the Genesis package was a fun* time to put together and such ha.
In all honestly, if you think any of these are not something that would be fun to publish on C3, let me know. I have no issues just making a customs thread in Other Customs and posting them there. I would love to seem them touched up to C3 standards, but if not, no troubles.
Outside of the Clockwork Angels album which is still being touched up these are my first projects of other songs.
November 20, 2014 at 1:57 am #433178Here’s a quick triage pass for Big Bang. If nobody sponsors it by 12/19, please release it in your own customs thread.
10.2.50 there’s something much more complex here, but i can’t make it out with the low quality audio
17.1.75 missing Y
17.4 missing snare
21 change hihat to ride, add 8ths up to 21.4
27.2 add snare
34.3 probably another B tom here
38.3 add snare
38.3.25 add snare
39 toms are changing here:
– 39 up to 40 make these YB
– 40 up to 41 make these YG
– 41 up to 42 make these BG
– 42 up to 43 make these YB
– 42.3, 42.3.50 make these BG
62.4 change snare to Y tom
I can’t make out guitar in the mix
” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_frown.gif”> It’s got a real AM radio thing going on – is a higher quality version available?
This needs a lot of work. See 19.1: should be something like O O Y Y B B, where you’ve got G G G G O O. Or 23, something like Y Y R R G G, where you’ve got R R R, YBO.
Great job on syllable length and pitches!
Lose all the punctuation though: 7.1.50 parentheses, 8.1 commas, quotes at 11.4, etc.
Watch out for capital letters mid-phrase: e.g., 8.4.50 Un should be un. 18.3.5 The->the, etc.
13.3 long(G) As(G) eve-(G) ry(D)
26.4 big->Big
30.4 add slide: one(G) +(A)
34.4 add slide: er(G) +(A)
35.3 note length: laps- trim off 4/64
36.4.50 We->we
37.4.50 It->it
42.4.50 add slide: Bang(D) +(A) +(
61.4 big bang is little here – be consistent throughout (sometimes Big Bang, sometimes big Bang, sometimes big bang)
Lots of them, and they’re not authored: 2.1 HARM2 Ooh(
, HARM3 Ooh(G), etc.
Overall: 6/10 for readiness.
November 20, 2014 at 3:53 pm #433211Drums:
Appropriate changes have been added. Reflected in Reductions + Animations.
I got a somewhat better quality file, but it still sounds relativity the same. I believe that this is just how the file was mixed. There is guitar throughout, but yes, you can not always hear it. What I did was chart out the chord progression that’s there, and add the strum notes in between as it’s played as a constant strum rhythm. Technically, it should probably be all chords and not chord->single->single->single as I have it… but I thought that route was better as the chord strums are somewhat prominent, and you cannot hear the singles well. I assumed charting out all chords would look and play weird in game hearing the music. This can be changed if you’d like.
Re-charting in progress. I have a hard time playing with EQ trying to bring out the bass, and it’s not my best charting skills. I may hand this over to someone else to help with this.
Written changes finished. I also realized that I submitted this with the HARM1/2 tracks without tube lengths. My apologies, I honestly remembered doing them o_O. Those have been fixed as well.
As for the harmonies, this was something difficult for me. Technically, Harm2 should probably be H2/3 as the rest of the band is singing those, but I’m not great at splitting up the notes by ear. If I* was to do this, I would probably use my music knowledge and just chart Harm3 as the missing pitch in the chord progression. I’ll do my best to chart out the missing ohh’s as well.
November 20, 2014 at 4:02 pm #433213Bass:
Re-charting in progress. I have a hard time playing with EQ trying to bring out the bass, and it’s not my best charting skills. I may hand this over to someone else to help with this.
Use the octave shift trick. Apply the ReaPitch fx, shift everything one octave up: all low frequencies will then sound clear. Author like that, then disable the fx and replay the song to make sure not foreign low frequencies (guitar harmonics, strings, etc.) have crept in. That, in my experience, is the best way to author tricky bass tracks for people having a hard time picking out bass (myself included).
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