Directed cuts failing to call

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    I can’t get some directed cuts in my VENUE track to play no matter what. The affected cuts are [directed_all], [directed_all_cam], [directed_all_lt], and [directed_crowd]. When one of these calls come up in the song, the venue ignores them and either continues the previous cut like there’s nothing there, or switches to one of the generic distant shots as if it received an invalid call. Has anyone had this problem before or know any obscure rule regarding directed cuts that might prevent them from playing (like too much/too little distance between it and additional cuts, or you can’t place cuts on the same tick as a lighting call or something)? It’s seriously frustrating trying to write a venue when ALL of the directed band cuts are disabled.


      I have noticed that some Camera And Lighting commands don’t work on certain stages. The only stage that I can command my stage kit correctly is the arena that has the lightning outlines and the ‘All Instruments Mode’. Since I can’t control when an arena gets used I always have the ‘All Instruments Mode’ checked for consistency.

      I can’t get some directed cuts in my VENUE track to play no matter what. The affected cuts are [directed_all], [directed_all_cam], [directed_all_lt], and [directed_crowd]. When one of these calls come up in the song, the venue ignores them and either continues the previous cut like there’s nothing there, or switches to one of the generic distant shots as if it received an invalid call. Has anyone had this problem before or know any obscure rule regarding directed cuts that might prevent them from playing (like too much/too little distance between it and additional cuts, or you can’t place cuts on the same tick as a lighting call or something)? It’s seriously frustrating trying to write a venue when ALL of the directed band cuts are disabled.


      Granted, it’s been a while since I mucked around with any custom venue work, but aren’t the calls supposed to be [do_directed_all], [do_directed_crowd], etc?


      If that’s the case, then the documentation is wrong. I can try appending “do_” to the commands and see what happens.


      It’s entirely possible I may be misremembering, or they changed from RBN1 to RBN2. If the documentation says no do_, then it’s probably right.


        I’ve used these in recent tracks with success… the most recent Avicii track actually calls [directed_crowd] twice and [directed_all_cam] once. In all three cases there are two measures preceding and following the calls, and the all_cam call is on the same tick as both a post-processing and lightning event.

          I can’t get some directed cuts in my VENUE track to play no matter what. The affected cuts are [directed_all], [directed_all_cam], [directed_all_lt], and [directed_crowd]. When one of these calls come up in the song, the venue ignores them and either continues the previous cut like there’s nothing there, or switches to one of the generic distant shots as if it received an invalid call. Has anyone had this problem before or know any obscure rule regarding directed cuts that might prevent them from playing (like too much/too little distance between it and additional cuts, or you can’t place cuts on the same tick as a lighting call or something)? It’s seriously frustrating trying to write a venue when ALL of the directed band cuts are disabled.

          Many similar discussions in the old creators days. I think anything less than 5 seconds between directed cuts has a pretty strong chance of not happening.


          I tried changing the command to [do_directed_all_lt] and [do directed_all_lt] (no underscore) and neither of those worked, so I took the advice in the thread and cut back waaaay conservatively on cuts near the call, and it still will not fire. I’ve been working on permutations of this for over a day and I’m more or less out of ideas. Here’s an example of how much space I left the cut, and it still won’t call:

          They aren’t even directed cuts, they are just normal cuts, placed several measures away on either side, and still for whatever reason I cannot run directed_all_lt in any circumstances.


            Might be a dumb question, but are you testing in an AIM venue?


            I’ve tested in AIM, and in small venues and stadium venues, both with and without keys in the band.

            If you’ve got all_cam and directed_crowd working, have you tested all_lt? I quickly ran through a bunch of my RBN in-game to see if the animation ever popped up but couldn’t find any, leading me to hypothesize that either the call is incredibly unpopular or there may be an engine issue that nobody’s seen before because magma still compiles even though the call only sometimes/never works in RBN, but I’ll have to look at the midi tracks for said RBN material to confirm they have all_lt calls though.

            How are my pixelated rock goofs supposed to “have some fun tonight” if they aren’t allowed to directly interact? :argh:


              Were you able to get all but the _lt call working? I honestly can’t recall if I’ve used it — I may have in some of the old, old charts I did… I’ll take a look for fun.

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