Thank you Dash, great work as always!!!
I was beginning to think no one noticed.
” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_frown.gif” />
Your acknowledgement pulled me back from the abyss.
Thank you!
” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />
Too funny. I posted specifically because I saw one of my favorite author’s updates go unacknowledged and just wanted you to know your work is appreciated. Glad I could retrieve you from the depths of despair. The word “hero” springs to mind.
Thanks Dash for the Fastball update. Great song.
Appreciate your hard work. Keep em coming !
[July-19-16] Added
Honeymoon Suite – Burning In Love
Dang. That’s a mulletastic choice. Any chance of getting New Girl Now as well?
Dang. That’s a mulletastic choice. Any chance of getting New Girl Now as well?
It’s more likely I’ll do Feel It Again or What Does It Take, but you never know. Anything is possible.
It’s more likely I’ll do Feel It Again or What Does It Take, but you never know. Anything is possible.
^^^This please!
It’s more likely I’ll do Feel It Again or What Does It Take, but you never know. Anything is possible.
I’ll take it!
Any chance of other ’80s Canadian rock? I’m thinking Platinum Blonde, Martha and the Muffins, Rough Trade, Northern Pikes, Doug and the Slugs, Spoons, TPOH, early Blue Rodeo or Hip? So much good stuff there.
Check out my WiP thread for a taste of what might be in store for CanCon.
I’ll take it!
Any chance of other ’80s Canadian rock? I’m thinking Platinum Blonde, Martha and the Muffins, Rough Trade, Northern Pikes, Doug and the Slugs, Spoons, TPOH, early Blue Rodeo or Hip? So much good stuff there.
Platinum Blonde a million times Platinum Blonde please and thank you! Thank you for honeymoon suite fantastic song.
Oooohh, FAN #%!$ TASTIC!!!
Anything from Sir Elton is a welcome addition in our book.
Especially tracks from this album. Goodbye Yellow Brick Road was one of those LP’s I virtually wore out from playing too much.
Thanks for this and ALL you’ve done before, on your thread and others! Mad Respect to you Dash!
Dash – you have a fan.
Good thing too.
If I hadn’t, I might have been tempted to buy one from that guy.
Keep up the great songs! More Elton John is always welcome. Would love the Ballad of Danny Bailey and Sweet Painted Lady!
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