“Customs Outhouse” Nov 23 2020 A major upgrade and a 15 pack of new songs

  • This topic has 3,036 replies, 200 voices, and was last updated 4 years ago by Dangus.
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  • #474900

      Man oh man!

      This is gonna be a great!

      Can’t wait to see what ya’ll got in the goodie bag!


      I have been busy, you might want to bring 2 bags Funk Meister Fred

      one might not be enough :smug:


      Cant wait to see what you have in store for us this month! Thanks guys! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


      Good to see you posting again Hetz <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />

      I am betting at least one of these songs will be as samjjones calls it a “holy shit” moment for you.


        Many a shorts shall be shat.


        Start pruning your USB sticks now.


          Thanks Doc – sounds like you will be knocking a few off of my wish list this week !!


            Good day plastic rockers


            This month we are cleaning out the garage so to speak, it’s the end of summer & the girlfriend said get rid of that stuff. These will not be posted to the DB until I think they are finished properly or the missing parts have a chance to be added by other authors.


            This month we have 12 WIP tunes for you, there’s a bit of everything

            A few things you should know about our customs, basically they are playable customs

            These customs are not Rembrandts, Van Gogh’s or Farottones, These are “Outhouse customs

            Expect to encounter errors, but they are still fun to play.

            We are posting these as WIP’s for a week or so in hopes that some other authors might do the parts we didn’t



            OK on with the show, this month we have 6 artists new to Rockband


            So recently I had a chance to do something I have never done in my life, it was the best damn feeling in the world. It has allowed me to do more customs for the time being.

            I will let this first custom tell you the rest of the story


            Making his Rockband debut


            Johnny Paycheck – Take This Job & Shove it


            Next up, this band is no stranger to Rockband

            Dahnlee on all instruments on this song, I added pitched vocals & harmonies.


            Fleetwood Mac – As Long As You Follow


            Next up is a band we need more of

            Dahnlee on drums, Fruit loops did a partial custom of this song originally.

            I used his drum track & Dahnlee whipped it in to Playing shape


            Collective Soul – The World I Know


            Yet another Rockband debut

            This is a real fun song to play on guitar/bass

            Dahnlee on drums


            Scotty McCreery – See You Tonight


            Yet another Rockband debut.

            This one caught my attention one day on a youtube because of the chorus line

            It even has a bit of rap in it :wth:


            Bellamy Brothers – Boobs


            Last month I promised a Canadian artist pack, well the wait is over. I am pretty sure this will knock a few off some of the most wanted Canadian tunes on most peoples lists.


            I believe this is the first “full band” custom from this band

            Dash Riprock did the mapping, drums & pitched vocals/harmonies on this tune, I added guitar & bass charts


            Harlequin – Innocence


            Yet another Rockband debut

            Extremely fun bass chart on this

            Dahnlee on drums


            Dean Brody – Canadian Girls


            I would love to see someone pick up this next tune and add pitched vocals to it. The midi I used was all screwed up so it’s unpitched vocals for now

            Dahnlee on drums


            Blue Rodeo – Till I Am Myself Again


            Yet another RB debut

            This song is from a one hit wonder, it could definitely use the keys parts added. I have perfect midis for this tune so if anyone is up for doing them let me know. I will ship you the files


            Sheriff – When I’m With You


            Yet another RB debut

            This a cover of the Rolling Stones song. It is considered as one of the best covers of all times.

            Dahnlee worked the drums on this originally & then I sent it to Sideshow to see if it was a 2x file. It isn’t 2x so he fixed it up even more, this should be a blast on all instruments. If you never heard this version you been missing out


            Streetheart – Under My Thumb


            I been wanting this next song in RB since the day I discovered you could make customs, now over two years later here it is.

            Unfortunately it has unpitched vocals, hopefully one of you authors who know how to do pitched vocals can step up & fix them. I do have a fairly good midi for it


            Trooper – Raise a Little Hell


            Last but not least is one of my all time favorites from this well known Canadian band.

            Lots of fun on guitar/bass on this tune

            Dahnlee on drums


            Loverboy – The Kid is Hot Tonight


            Now that’s all done


            I would like to send out some thanks to people involved with this release


            Dahnlee, such a cool guy to work with & I am proud to call him my friend & partner in crime.

            Dash Riprock: Fun to collab with, send him a file & a day later get it back all polished up.

            Sideshow: Not much I can add to Sideshows mystique. He is truly one of the good guys in this world. Out of the blue I send him files & he fixes them & makes them all pretty. A class act for sure.

            My girlfriend; She supports me in what ever I do. She knows I love this game and making customs. She also still does my laundry :golfclap: :golfclap:

            Last but definitely not least I want to thank Funk Meister Freud & his better half HouseQuake

            I asked if they would do some playtesting for me, they jumped right in and gave me some valuable feedback on guitar/bass charts as well as sound quality playability, fun ability & chart difficulty.

            The fact they are two really good, down to earth people makes it even better, I don’t hold it against them that they are Seahawk fans, everyone makes mistakes. Bazinga!! :smug:

            I appreciate the enthusiasm they have brought to myself & the forums, people like them are the reason I share what I make.


            Well there you have it. I hope you enjoy playing these.

            We had a blast making them.

            I would appreciate some constructive feedback on the pitched vocals songs that we did, All songs that have pitched vocals are done straight from the high quality midis (Sorry Farottone) we use to make these. I have no idea what I am doing when it comes to vocal pitching & have no intention of learning so I am hoping these turned out ok. The alternative is having them unpitched so I am hoping they are ok as is.


            See you next month with a boat load of more great tunes from days gone by :rock:




              We now have a song called “Boobs” in the game. Just saying. :rock:

              Cmdr Xym

                Will be grabbing some of these for sure.


                Sadly I’ll probably pass on the best one in the bunch (because of unpitched Vox). Some nice picks nonetheless…plus, boobs.


                  Thank you very much for all your hard work putting these customs together.


                    OMG, OMG, OMG – Doc, Dahnlee and Co you have done an amazing job here and I Cant wait to give these songs a go !!!


                    You definitely knocked a few songs off of my wish list and I cant be more grateful !


                    The kid is hot tonight is one of my most wanted songs here I even took a stab at charting the guitar or this one so it will kind of neat to compare the two.


                    And Trooper, YES !!


                    Thank you again for these and everything you have done !!!


                    Thank You Times a dozen! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


                    Wow, love almost all of those Canadian selections. Great to see full band Blue Rodeo and Harlequin. Much obliged,gonna try them ASAP.


                    Thank you to all the collaborator peeps for this large pack. This pack is way larger than we (Funk Meister and I) expected.


                    A VERY BIG thanks to Doc for reaching out to us and getting us involved. :smug:

                    We see there is a lot to the entire process of making customs. It seems intimidating to us, but we want to help in any small way that we can.




                    Wow! Lots of good work..


                    Interesting under my thumb remake. Never heard before.




                    Thanks Doc and crew for a really cool 1/2 rack of great customs including some fine Canadian brew! What an excellent way to finish up the summer. Not to be redundant, but as Housequake has mentioned…We really do appreciate the hard work and dedication every single author on this forum puts forward and shares so that players like us can enjoy the music that we all love.


                    Thanks for taking us under your wing and giving us a small sense of “contributing and giving back” in our own humble way. As time goes by (hopefully not too long) we want to give back even more!


                    Glad you advised me to grab another goodie bag, I wasn’t expecting to come to a customs buffet, fer cryin’ out loud! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />


                    (And I’m still praying that the Hawk Deities will be merciful towards one who blasphemes the Seattle Seahawks, yet lives in the Great Pacific Northwest….it’s never too late to mend your ways and seek the path to The Super Bowl!)


                    Awesome pack guys, :rock:

                    Thanks very much for these Gems !!


                      Thanks for all your work !! Especially loving the Scott McCreary and collective soul!! Awesome!!


                      Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

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