“Customs Outhouse” Nov 23 2020 A major upgrade and a 15 pack of new songs

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  • #422001

      Thanks for the updates. I will try out Black Cat ASAP! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


      Thanks for everything you are doing, Spindoctor. I greatly enjoy the converts you are putting out!! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


        Thanks Hetz

        Wish all people had your energy & attitude for the game we love


        Just giving some feedback here, considering you are doing a lot of GH converts I think it’s reasonable that some people might give some feedback to help you improve over time and think over stuff like genres and tiers with Rock Band standards vs. GH’s standards.


        Also if full genres are not showing up, try pressing Select in the song select screen and see if you have any genre filters activated, if not then that is the most bizzare glitch I have seen so far with the RB3 setlist o_0

          Thanks Hetz

          Wish all people had your energy & attitude for the game we love


          Just fired up Black Cat and it works perfectly! Thank you!!!! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />

          you would be my hero if you could chart seventeen from gh 80s <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />


          Stay tuned I have some projects on the go that might or might not involve this song <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />

          I would love to see Seventeen make it to Rock Band as well!


          Hopefully someone who is a good drum charter will take the already converted songs and add drums to them.



            Hopefully someone who is a good drum charter will take the already converted songs and add drums to them.


            Would like to see that as well. Unfortunately a lot of the songs are cover songs or as made famous by. Most drum charters want to chart the real song & I can’t blame them.


            Thank you very much for the Slash song, please, don’t forget the other three.


            By the way, is it possible to make another request?

            I also would like to have the Alter Bridge songs: “Come to life” from GH:Van Halen and “Ties that bind” from GH:WOR.


            I just noticed on the Van Halen song, the album title should be changed to “Van Halen II” instead of “Van Halen 2”.

            Would like to see that as well. Unfortunately a lot of the songs are cover songs or as made famous by.

            Just out of curiosity, is there any difference between cover songs and “as made famous by” songs? I mean either way, it’s not the original artist/band performing the song correct?

              Would like to see that as well. Unfortunately a lot of the songs are cover songs or as made famous by.

              Just out of curiosity, is there any difference between cover songs and “as made famous by” songs? I mean either way, it’s not the original artist/band performing the song correct?

              No difference, they both mean it’s not the original artist


              I played the new version of Black Cat earlier tonight and it’s fantastic, I have to ask if you did something to improve the audio on this new version? It could just be my audio set up being different but Janet’s voice sounded much sharper and clearer to me than I remember it sounding on the first version you released.


              I love the Slash Song too, it’s nice to see a song from that 2010 album.


              In fact I look at the list and I’ve enjoyed many of your releases, I love the variety in your choices of songs.


              Thank you for doing what you do :dance:

              Thank you very much for the Slash song, please, don’t forget the other three.


              By the way, is it possible to make another request?

              I also would like to have the Alter Bridge songs: “Come to life” from GH:Van Halen and “Ties that bind” from GH:WOR.


              Consider this a second request (if your taking those) for those two Alter Bridge songs. I’ve been dying to play them for a while, honestly. I have an old custom of Metalingus kicking around I think, but it’s pretty rough, but maybe you could CAT it or something. lol Might make a nice 3-pack or something.

                I played the new version of Black Cat earlier tonight and it’s fantastic, I have to ask if you did something to improve the audio on this new version? It could just be my audio set up being different but Janet’s voice sounded much sharper and clearer to me than I remember it sounding on the first version you released.


                I love the Slash Song too, it’s nice to see a song from that 2010 album.


                In fact I look at the list and I’ve enjoyed many of your releases, I love the variety in your choices of songs.


                Thank you for doing what you do :dance:


                You know I’m not sure what went wrong the first time on Black Cat. I believe it had to do with how the audio was rendered but not exactly sure. I bumped up the volume on her voice just a bit this time as well.


                Ghost is a catchy tune, there are a few more I plan on doing of Slash


                Glad you enjoy these <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” /> I enjoy making them :dance: flaws & all :smug:

                  Thank you very much for the Slash song, please, don’t forget the other three.


                  By the way, is it possible to make another request?

                  I also would like to have the Alter Bridge songs: “Come to life” from GH:Van Halen and “Ties that bind” from GH:WOR.


                  Consider this a second request (if your taking those) for those two Alter Bridge songs. I’ve been dying to play them for a while, honestly. I have an old custom of Metalingus kicking around I think, but it’s pretty rough, but maybe you could CAT it or something. lol Might make a nice 3-pack or something.


                  For sure I take requests, knowing somebody wants to play them makes doing them worth while for me, I am not a big fan of Alter Bridge but I have converted many songs that aren’t my faves.

                  Can you send me the custom by PM? With all the tools available to us from C3 & the good people who make them for us, things can be cleaned up & made better for sure.


                  The PM is sent. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


                  The best I can figure is that it is some old Rock Band 2 custom that got ‘converted’ to RB3 format. I hope the chart is at least salvageable. I haven’t touched it in years in-game, so I can’t even tell you what’s charted. Hopefully, if it’s able to be converted, someone will be able to add any missing parts it may need. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />

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