“Customs Outhouse” Nov 23 2020 A major upgrade and a 15 pack of new songs

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  • #498083

      Wow, three great songs! I’d love more ABBA, so I’ll choose #1, please. Thank you.


        Dammit, almost beat Glarms.

        With the horrible lack of ABBA hits in RB, gotta go with Sweden’s greatest musical export. (Sorry, Mr. Bowie).

        You have to be quick to beat Glarms, his record is, we post, count to 3, refresh & he had already voted :rock:


        We might do more Abba in the future, as you can imagine & will see vocals are very tough on their songs


        #2 for me of course (bet you can tell why LOL)

        Not my favorite Bowie song though. Glad to see Soul Love as a bonus track! Vote Vote Vote peeps! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” />

        Say what??? :brosius: lol


        a David Bowie fan & any song of his posted is not your favorite?? <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_cheeky.001.gif” />


        I want to vote for Soul Love, but I’ll settle for #1 instead.


          Just popping by to say next week is the big finale of 70’s material and we have something pretty special planned. We still have more 70’s material in queue, do not worry.


          Special thanks to yaniv297 who has made his Showdown debut with Soul Love, we’ll be working together again soon on some of his own material.


          Work has commenced on planning the next season, we have a new theme, one that gives us some very good flexibility but still keeps things very interesting for us. A teaser has been produced, you can probably expect that this weekend after this week’s songs are up.


          EDIT: We’re gonnna hold off on the teaser for a week, I have an idea to make it even more special.


          Thanks again everyone, the comments and participation are what keep us motivated to keep going with the Showdown.

          Keeping the content Canadian since 2017!

          SomeOldGuys: https://db.c3universe.com/songs/all/__user/someoldguys
          MrPrezident: https://db.c3universe.com/songs/all/__user/MrPrezident




            Sent from my SM-G930T using Tapatalk


              #1, and I’m looking forward to seeing the harmonies.


                @ Samjjones


                How many times can you say “Take a Chance” in one minute?

                Then times that by 4


                  Wow, three great songs! I’d love more ABBA, so I’ll choose #1, please. Thank you.

                  I agree 3 great songs

                  A good chance down the line we will do more Abba.

                  There is nothing hard about the instrument charts but the vocals are to say the least tough.

                  Thank God for my partners charting abilities. :rock:


                  I want to vote for Soul Love, but I’ll settle for #1 instead.

                  Indirectly you did vote for Soul Love.

                  That’s what makes this fun for us.

                  What fun would it be if the bonus song was really lame?


                    Great songs but no contest for me: number two by a mile. Soul Love is icing on an already delicious cake. Thank you for all the great content you guys keep providing us with.




                      another couple of gems to choose from <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />


                      #1 please


                      (sorry i missed voting last week <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_frown.gif” /> normal rambler service has been resumed :clint: )


                        Number 1


                        Number 1 please


                          I’m surprised at the slaughter thus far.


                          #2. Hard.


                            #2 for me, thanks.

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