“Customs Outhouse” Nov 23 2020 A major upgrade and a 15 pack of new songs

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  • #419520

      I didnt even realize Double Vision had some 2X going on in it. Thank you kindly for that one.

        I didnt even realize Double Vision had some 2X going on in it. Thank you kindly for that one.

        It was in the mid I used from MrMets convert, not being a drummer I wouldn’t know 1 from 2 except 2 comes after 1.


          I know I made a video of that song when MrMet released it. I never played drums on it though just did vocals. Will give your version a spin on drums soon.

            I know I made a video of that song when MrMet released it. I never played drums on it though just did vocals. Will give your version a spin on drums soon.


            I did nothing to the drums as it looked good to me as is, It had Pro blue tom’s done & fills so it had been worked on


            Double Vision Thankyou sooooo much. One of my All Time fav Songs


            Once again thankyou Mr Awesome :c00l:


            Thank you very much for your awesome conversions!

            And if I can make a request, I would like very much to have the GH:WOR Slash songs: Ghost (On Disc); We’re All Gonna Die (DLC); Nothing to Say (DLC) and Watch This (DLC).

            I don’t know if it’s possible or not, but I would appreciate very much if you could convert this songs.

              Thank you very much for your awesome conversions!

              And if I can make a request, I would like very much to have the GH:WOR Slash songs: Ghost (On Disc); We’re All Gonna Die (DLC); Nothing to Say (DLC) and Watch This (DLC).

              I don’t know if it’s possible or not, but I would appreciate very much if you could convert this songs.

              I will add these to the long list of requests I have as I do have these files. I will not do all 4 in one release as I like to do a variety of songs each release, it will take some time to get all done. Right now my request list is at about 20 songs & I do about 3 to 4 a week. In saying that if a song catches my ear or is something I like, it gets bumped up the list.

              Now back to our regular scheduled program :excited: Songs :dance:

              Foreigner – Double Vision


              Thanks, picking this up for sure! I will add a request to your already long list which is Pictures of You by The Last Goodnight from Band Hero.

                Now back to our regular scheduled program :excited: Songs :dance:

                Foreigner – Double Vision


                Thanks, picking this up for sure! I will add a request to your already long list which is Pictures of You by The Last Goodnight from Band Hero.

                Gotcha, I will add to the list <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />

                  I’m referring to the fact that you’re espousing having a ‘right’ to complain about things that are annoying


                  Ye’h, you misread my post. I was never complaining about the things I find annoying… I just posted my opinions on such and why I dislike the markers which were used. I never complained about them cause I know Spindoctor wishes to do them that way and I totally don’t mind him doing his customs that way… We all have specific ways we prefer to use when creating customs.


                  I was just complaining about the audio thing, which didn’t needed to be posted honestly… Like I said before, I don’t like messing around with all the audio stuff and was complaining about such. I was never complaining about what Spindoctor was doing.


                    I can’t remember if I requested these or not…but I would love to have Hi, Hi, Hi and Juniors Farm by Wings converted. They were GH: WT DLC, I believe.


                    Thank you so much for these converts! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />

                      I can’t remember if I requested these or not…but I would love to have Hi, Hi, Hi and Juniors Farm by Wings converted. They were GH: WT DLC, I believe.


                      Thank you so much for these converts! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />

                      Yup you did, thanks for the reminder, one is in the works, the other at a later date.


                        If a file i created doesn’t work for you or the data I use (song name, genre etc) does not work for you let me know & i will try for a fix for you if you ask in a nice way, I am a pretty easy going guy and like to accommodate everyone so they can play these songs.



                          Are you actually using that author logo feature in Visualizer? I think you’re the first I’ve seen use it.

                          You betcha, That is what it’s for is it not?

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