“Customs Outhouse” Nov 23 2020 A major upgrade and a 15 pack of new songs

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  • #494179

    Another tough choice for me to make but I’ll go with #2….

    and I’ll have to make sure my better half cast her vote this evening so we can have a chance at getting both.


    Really great picks guys! Thanks! :rock:


    Looks like she has voted the same number 2 sir <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” /> :excited:



    Looks like she has voted the same number 2 sir <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” /> :excited:

    Indeed she did! :dance: <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />

    Be that as it may, the 21 vote threshold has been broken, so we get both songs either way!

    We talked on the phone at lunch break and I asked her to cast her vote for which one she wanted and to help push Doc & Mr.Prez into releasing both songs anyway. Looks like the vote limit had already been reached by the time she got hers in.


    (It just proves that she has good taste like you and I do…lol :cool:) Great job everyone!


    (and thanks darlin’) <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” /> <3


      Glad you guys are back! : D
      I vote for #2


        has to be #1 The Cars – Magic…please


          This place is pretty awesome.


            chiming in just because…. # 1 for me please !!


              Thanks for dropping in to vote <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” /> Doc and I feel pretty lucky to get so much support. This will be a fun year for sure!

              Keeping the content Canadian since 2017!

              SomeOldGuys: https://db.c3universe.com/songs/all/__user/someoldguys
              MrPrezident: https://db.c3universe.com/songs/all/__user/MrPrezident


                ub40 please.

                if you got time watch a documentary “Promises & Lies: The Story of UB40”

                its really good.


                  I gotta say, #2. Yup. #2.


                  Wow, tough choices… too much stress.


                  Wine is good for stress? Voting UB40 please.


                    Another tough choice for me to make but I’ll go with #2….

                    and I’ll have to make sure my better half cast her vote this evening so we can have a chance at getting both.


                    Really great picks guys! Thanks! :rock:

                    Better half?? What a suck up :smug:


                    You two are at it again with another great Showdown! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


                    My pick is #2

                    You guys are the best, thank you for always being there.


                    Indeed she did! :dance: <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />

                    Be that as it may, the 21 vote threshold has been broken, so we get both songs either way!

                    We talked on the phone at lunch break and I asked her to cast her vote for which one she wanted and to help push Doc & Mr.Prez into releasing both songs anyway. Looks like the vote limit had already been reached by the time she got hers in.


                    (It just proves that she has good taste like you and I do…lol :cool:) Great job everyone!


                    (and thanks darlin’) <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” /> <3

                    This post made me laugh, everyones biggest supporter calls his “better half” to get her to vote.


                    Glad you guys are back! : D

                    I vote for #2

                    We have a great time doing this & get stoked seeing post like this


                    This place is pretty awesome.

                    ummmmm :blush: ummmm :blush: Thanks Farottone, that means a lot to this old guy


                    chiming in just because…. # 1 for me please !!

                    Love it when people chime in


                    ub40 please.

                    if you got time watch a documentary “Promises & Lies: The Story of UB40”

                    its really good.

                    He said please!!! Will check out that documentary for sure


                    I gotta say, #2. Yup. #2.

                    Always nice when another great author stops by & comments


                    Wow, tough choices… too much stress.


                    Wine is good for stress? Voting UB40 please.

                    So is Captain Morgans :rock:


                      Good Friday to all


                      I want to thank all of you who voted this week & have voted & supported this thread in the past.

                      This is the greatest place on the internet by far.


                      We both were a little worried coming back from a month long break that we might have lost a few of our supporters.

                      Once we started seeing the votes pour in we got all fired up.

                      Thanks to all of you.


                      We are going to have a great time over the next few months as we have a shit ton of great tunes lined up.


                      ok enough jibber jabber


                      UB40 took a close match between the two songs & then ran away with it after our goal had been reached

                      Both songs have been added to the database


                      UB40 – Red Red Wine Radio version

                      click visualizer to see in game video. Videos courtesy of MrPrezident



                      The Cars – Magic

                      click visualizer to see in game video. Videos courtesy of MrPrezident



                      Thanks again, hope you enjoy these classic tunes.

                      Be sure to stop by Tuesday to see what we have up our sleeves for week 2 of


                      Rockband – Decades – The Eighties


                        Excellent release. Thank you guys!


                        Great releases!!

                        Thanks for your time and hard work. Looking forward to what you two have in store.

                        <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


                        Better half?? What a suck up :smug:


                        You guys are the best, thank you for always being there.


                        This post made me laugh, everyones biggest supporter calls his “better half” to get her to vote.


                        So is Captain Morgans :rock:


                        And there you have it my friend…..

                        That’s why I call her the ‘better half’, her rum and herbal consumption (unlike mine) allows her the ability to ‘curb her enthusiasm’! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” />

                        At any rate, we’re very happy you guys are back in full swing and glad to get both of these really super tunes. Here’s to more great 80’s coming up! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” /> :rock:

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