Customs on PS3 won’t show up

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    Hey guys, sorry for jumping straight into asking for help before posting a bit first; unfortunately I can’t figure out my problem and need some advice.


    I’ve done all the steps on the tutorial posted for the ps3, but Rock Band 3 won’t seem to take the customs.


    I’ve used reactPSN to install the rap files as my account had never been online before. ReactPSN did it’s thing, and I’ve verified the correct rap file is in the ‘aa’ user’s exdata folder. But when I start RB3, no customs.


    I searched in the original thread for other users having similar problems, and tried verifying that each song entry in the songs.dta had a unique song ID (it was made with C3 con tools so of course it did). I’m running it now with just a single song and it still won’t show up.


    Any thoughts on things I could try?


    …this is being debated on another parallel thread…

    This is from Farrotone..


    >>Same happens for songs that fail to appear in game: they are loaded wrong the first time (no explanation has ever >>been found for this), but they are loaded once and they will not be recognised until a change in song ID happens.

    >>Now, we talked about file structure: once a song is loaded in game, just changing ID doesn’t always work >>depending on what you changed because of the way the file structure is saved in the cache (again, no explanation >>has been found yet). For that reason, we compile the new file with a different file name, which Magma will use >>for the file structure (so, you do need to change filename before compiling, not after).


    So I would suggest if you haven’t done so already – force a New ID for the song and while you at it .. a new song filename too and recompile…


    Good luck!


    I had saw that and changed the id in the songs.dta; no difference it still wouldn’t load. I had not changed the file name though so I will try that.




    Hi again,


    I’ve done a bit more troubleshooting with no luck. The song ID and file name were changed, loaded in a different custom. I even went as far as to create a new user and downloaded the RB free pack from the store. Weirdly, the official DLC didn’t even show up… I tried to follow that thread for more clues even though it seems more related to the 360, but I’m pretty sure there is no song cache on the PS3.


    I no longer have an idea what I should try, I’ve been fiddling with it for the past few days with no progress. I hope someone knows more about this, I’m so lost haha.


      This is mainly a Xbox 360 forum, so if you want help with other consoles, your best bet is to ask in the dedicated threads for the other consoles. That guarantees the right people will see your questions.


      Oh sorry, I’ll ask there. Thanks!


      Hey @thegluestickman did you ever get this to work? Just spent the last few hours doing the same steps you did and no luck. :/

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