Customs from The Other Side – 4/17 – Bob Kulick/Skull

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  • #462474

    Wow, just now I see the U2 song.


    The Other Side

      “Beautiful Day” has been updated to include Pro Keys and a new guitar chart by Ollie. Link in the first post of the thread <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


      Great U2 song. Fantastic stuff.

      Thank you

      The Other Side

        New release! This one comes from a rollercoaster in video game form called Rock Revolution. Here’s a (almost) fully multitracked cover version of Cream’s “White Room”!





        Thanks for White Room


        Appreciate your time & hard work.


        Thank you ! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


          Nice! I always thought that cover was good enough for a convert, and had it on my ‘someday’ list. Good to have a (mostly) multitrack version finally.


            Thanks for White Room, I almost skipped it when I saw it was a cover but it is a great cover.


            Anybody else sitting on the fence like me pick this up :rock:

            The Other Side

              New release! I actually had this project collecting dust for a few months, but I finally got around to finishing it during the last few days.


              Here’s a cover of Bread’s “The Guitar Man”!





              This custom only has 5-lane keys. In case anyone wants to chart pro keys, hit me up.


              Never in a million years would I have expected to see this song in RB3!

              Cover or no, this is an absolute treasure for me!


              “Thank You” just doesn’t even begin………..

              BUT THANK YOU ANYHOW!!!!!


              Just wanted to double check, found a custom on youtube for “Pegasus Fantasy” and after downloading the con file it showed you as the author, if so could you please upload it to the database or advise if there are any updates?


              I would really love to convert that file with the spanish version if possible <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


              Muito obrigado, Saludos!


              Guitar man is a great old song. This is another one to download. Thank you.

              The Other Side

                Just wanted to double check, found a custom on youtube for “Pegasus Fantasy” and after downloading the con file it showed you as the author, if so could you please upload it to the database or advise if there are any updates?


                I would really love to convert that file with the spanish version if possible <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


                Muito obrigado, Saludos!


                Looks like someone found out about my little secret project from last year. I didn’t post it here after I completed it because I didn’t think releasing a foreign-language version of an anime song would get huge responses, but I guess now’s a good time to post it.





                Feel free to use this custom as a base for other versions in other languages. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


                  a versão brasileira em portugues do tema dos cavaleiros do zodiaco é massa pra caramba, nunca pensei isso no rock band, como você conseguiu colocar caracteres especiais no vocal ?


                  the brazilian version of saint seya theme is amazing,i never expected this on rock band, how do you put special characters on vocal parts?


                  Thank you for Guitar Man quality classic will enjoy playing this

                  The Other Side

                    a versão brasileira em portugues do tema dos cavaleiros do zodiaco é massa pra caramba, nunca pensei isso no rock band, como você conseguiu colocar caracteres especiais no vocal ?


                    the brazilian version of saint seya theme is amazing,i never expected this on rock band, how do you put special characters on vocal parts?


                    (incoming pt-br reply)


                    Os acentos? Eu só digitei a letra normalmente. Deve ter sido sorte minha que os caracteres apareceram direitinho. A não ser que você esteja falando daquele que junta o “supera a”, aí eu usei um caractere especificado na documentação da RBN.

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