Customs block out Rock Band 2, Lego, Green Day, Etc. Exports?

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    My Xbox that I’ve been playing customs on since 2013 is getting worse and worse at reading discs (it seems fine at everything else) so i’ve switched to a newer Xbox (Both old white case, seemingly same model but with different input for power cable) but when i use customs on it it doesn’t load official songs except for the Rock Band 3 disc setlist and the Rock Band 1 export.

    Needless to say I’m baffled. I’ve been running the old Xbox purely for rock band with everything else on the newer Xbox but as I’m typing this the old Xbox’s disc readers finally kicked the bucket. Any info on how to fix my problem on the newer Xbox? (I don’t know the exact model numbers or anything sorry.)

    Dash Riprock

      This looks like a job for…

      Licence Transfer Man!


      Thank you so much it seems to be working, now im going through the slow process of re downloading everything and everything seems to be working fine. (Also for people who may come to this thread in the future with the same problem dont forget you have to dig out your Rock Band 1 disc to start its export, that through me off for awhile.)

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