Creating custom songs

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  • #392760

      Hi Guys !!


      I Know you have a lot of threads about creating a song but i’m lost because there’s so many discussions about that… but I just want to know how to start a new custom song like all the programs I need to start because I want to create french songs because I’m from province of Québec and I would like to create french songs and share them with C3 users and yes I know the french songs are not the most popular but I think there is a place for thoses songs…Is it possible to have a good tutorial ?? I’m using an unmodded Xbox 360. So I wish you can help me with that !!


      Thanks a lot !!


          Thanks a lot !! Now I have to learn these programs!!


          But quickly… how much time you take to create a song for guys like you in average?

            Thanks a lot !! Now I have to learn these programs!!


            But quickly… how much time you take to create a song for guys like you in average?


            Depends. If I have a midi I can get one done fully completed maybe under 10 hours? it really depends on how hard the song is and such


              Be prepared for your first custom to take a couple of weeks, at least. Starting with a CD track and, as Ultimate suggested, starting with a good existing MIDI file as well, will significantly reduce the work time.


              What goals you set for yourself will also determine how long your first custom can take. I would suggest not trying to create a complete, all-parts-all-difficulties chart for some extended prog rock tune with complex harmonies and a lot of customized stage and light activity. Some people are able to learn that way, but most will get frustrated in a hurry if they’re trying to paint like Norman Rockwell before they’ve learned how to hold a brush. Consider what you already know about music and shape your goals around that.


              For me, I was already familiar with MIDI sequencing and picking out notes by ear, so my biggest challenges were learning how to use REAPER and shaping an instrument part into something that makes sense in the game (translating to five buttons, adding overdrive, etc.). I decided to build my first custom on a short, instrumental piece that did not have drums, so I could focus on learning everything about how to chart for guitar, bass and keys, including how to reduce the expert charts for lower difficulties. When I was done, I was able to offer a “complete” custom in a fairly short amount of time (not counting the time I spent tinkering on the song audio itself, which typically you won’t have to do), and I was able to save some of the more difficult challenges, like vocal authoring, for later.


              Of course your mileage will vary, but whatever you decide, just make sure you don’t get in over your head and lose your motivation. Good luck!

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