Convour’s WIPs (Kamelot Update 6/13)

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  • #390245

    Yup. Expert drums only, x2 kick pedal version available. Complete with overdrive and drumfills and drum animations. I used the aggressive metal autogen theme, but I tried to edit it to “spotlight on drummer” the whole time, considering that’s it’s drums only right now. I plan on doing reductions, adding other instruments, and all that jazz eventually; this is for you guys right now though <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />

    v2 is now up for download below. It changed the theme to get rid of that nasty red lighting (horror film I think) and updated the drum animations a little.


    Regular v2

    x2 Kick Pedal v2

    ZIP of RPP, Magma files, MIDs, FLAC audio, etc. (updated with v2 stuff)


    “Ænema” by Tool

    Immediately after I was done with “Sober,” I wanted to take on one of my favorite Tool songs, and this was it. Like all other songs of mine, this should take a while. Drums 3/4 done.


    *Thanks to Nunchuck for reduction help*


    – Overdrive

    – Vocals

    – Bass

    – Custom Venue

    – Practice mode events

    Drums 100% done (including reductions and drum animations)

    Guitar 100% done (including reductions)

    Bass 1/4 done (I may need some help on this, the bass is hard for me to hear for some reason)


    v1 CON

    v1 RPP


    “Criminal” by Disturbed

    I’ve always loved Disturbed. There aren’t enough songs from their Indestructible album, so I am willing to add more. Drums 1/2 done.


    “Shepherd of Fire” by Avenged Sevenfold

    Surprisingly, I haven’t seen any songs from their recent Hail to the King album. Figured I’d fix that. Not started yet.


    “Ocean Man” by Ween

    A change of pace from the metal customs I have been working on. Song sounds pretty easy to chart, we’ll see. Not started yet.


      I’m pretty certain “Judith” has been converted from GH5. Also looking forward to AEnema(really want an updated custom of the regular drum version that I have.)


      I’ve been waiting forever for someone to start/finish charting Ocean Man. I would have done it myself, but someone insisted they were already working on it, and that it would be out “soon”. Didn’t start it out of respect for them, but screw it at this point. I want Ocean Man.


      would love to see Mudshovel come to life! Will be great addition since this is back when the “Nu Metal” scene was big back in my college years

      I’m pretty certain “Judith” has been converted from GH5.

      It appears that it has, thanks for confirming. I’ll scratch it then.

      Also looking forward to AEnema(really want an updated custom of the regular drum version that I have.)

      What do you mean by “regular drum version?”

      Didn’t start it out of respect for them, but screw it at this point. I want Ocean Man.


      would love to see Mudshovel come to life! Will be great addition since this is back when the “Nu Metal” scene was big back in my college years

      Lucky for you, this is the first song I’m going to be completing on the list. Also, I updated it and will make it available to download sometime later today.


      Yeahh!i cant wait to see aenema in the rb


        When I say regular drums I mean that the version I have has no Pro Drum markers for toms charted in the song. Its like playing a RBN1.0 song on Pro Drums with cymbals in place of toms.


        Definitely looking forward to Mudshovel


        Very excited for Mudshovel. My apologies for asking but, any update on a link?

        Very excited for Mudshovel. My apologies for asking but, any update on a link?

        I’ll get on that as soon as possible. Sorry for the wait. I haven’t had access to my computer for a while.

        Very excited for Mudshovel. My apologies for asking but, any update on a link?

        I’ll get on that as soon as possible. Sorry for the wait. I haven’t had access to my computer for a while.


        No worries, thank you so much!

        Very excited for Mudshovel. My apologies for asking but, any update on a link?

        I’ll get on that as soon as possible. Sorry for the wait. I haven’t had access to my computer for a while.


        No worries, thank you so much!


        What happened?


        I thought I updated my thread, but apparently I forgot to. Mudshovel v1 has been done for a while now, I just updated the OP with downloads.


        I am terribly sorry for my lack of updates, I’ll make sure it won’t happen again guys.

        I thought I updated my thread, but apparently I forgot to. Mudshovel v1 has been done for a while now, I just updated the OP with downloads.


        I am terribly sorry for my lack of updates, I’ll make sure it won’t happen again guys.


        Awesome! No worries, we’re all busy and have lives outside of C3. At least, I think we do <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


        Thanks for sharing!


        Alright guys. I updated with When the Lights are Down by Kamelot. Currently only expert drums and all that stuff. Just look at the OP <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_cheeky.001.gif” />

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