Conkers Bad Fur Day Requests

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  • #518120

      Howdy yall!

      Thought to throw out some requests for one of my all time favorite games ever. Conkers Bad Fur Day for the N64 and Xbox

      Conkers Bad Fur Day: Surf Punks, Club Rock Solid, Sloprano, The Uggas

      Conkers Bad Fur Day Reloaded (XBOX)- The Ditch, OLE, Beardy erm Birdy, Windy

      The Xbox versions for the ones I suggest are remastered and sound better and the N64 versions are the classic, uncensored and more upbeat versions that the Reloaded releases.

      Thanks again! Hope someone takes this up. I also request for all these, have at least a drum part since its the main instrument I utilize with phase shift

      • This topic was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by ThePsyCrow.

        This is a cool request! i wouldnt mind seeing this also!

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