Configuring USB on Xbox 360, not readable by party buffalo.

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  • #452590
    It is infinitely easier (and more fool proof) to use RBtoUSB.


    So what you’re saying is I should have problems using my method but just don’t?


      No, what I’m saying is:


      It is infinitely easier (and more fool proof) to use RBtoUSB.


      You do whatever you want. But I and the others who have spent 2 years offering support to others know that people make mistakes. RBtoUSB eliminates virtually all mistakes that are known to be made by new users.


      You can use a Commodore 64 to connect to a Unix workstation, then use remote desktop to control your computer, and copy the files using command prompt. Great for you.


      RBtoUSB is and will continue to be the suggested solution for everyone else.


      That’s fine…And I do appreciate the humorous response…Most of these kids would not know what a Commodore is…or a floppy for that matter…command prompt, what’s that…

      Why are people are making this harder than it is?


      Now you don’t really have to do anything besides open your flash drive in Windows explorer provided you formatted properly and drag and drop the con files..

      Well in most cases the problem is that they are following a tutorial/method that is outdated thanks to the 360 update.

      It makes sense that they would be confused and wouldn’t know that they could add con files like that.

      Why are people are making this harder than it is?


      Now you don’t really have to do anything besides open your flash drive in Windows explorer provided you formatted properly and drag and drop the con files..

      Well in most cases the problem is that they are following a tutorial/method that is outdated thanks to the 360 update.

      It makes sense that they would be confused and wouldn’t know that they could add con files like that.


      Good point…I noticed this my first trial run because I tried to follow a YouTube video…


      About pulled my hair out because the options given didn’t exist…


      Luckily for me, with a bit of an IT background, I just kept trying something different till I found something that worked…


      Frankly the biggest issue for me was formatting my flash drive and realizing I needed to uncheck the quick format box for it to work properly

        It is infinitely easier (and more fool proof) to use RBtoUSB.


        So what you’re saying is I should have problems using my method but just don’t?


        You don’t because you know where to copy the files, RBtoUSB takes care of that for the general public. Copying files having to look for the correct folder IS harder, not easier, much like dragging a file is easier than typing a command in a terminal. I learned to code on a ZX Spectrum but that doesn’t make it harder to use RbtoUSB to copy files. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif”>



        You don’t because you know where to copy the files, RBtoUSB takes care of that for the general public. Copying files having to look for the correct folder IS harder, not easier, much like dragging a file is easier than typing a command in a terminal. I learned to code on a ZX Spectrum but that doesn’t make it harder to use RbtoUSB to copy files. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />



        Good point….there are a lot of zeroes and ones…



        The way I made it easier is by always copying my song cache to my flash drive and then I would know exactly where the Con files need to go….



        But yeah, RBtoUSB is a great tool….I can not stress that enough to the non expert user (such as you guys are getting across)

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