Colonel’s Customs – Latest Update (06/19/2016)

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  • #416202
    Sid Kafizz

      You need to get together with Crazy Canuck! I’d be all over the AiC songs if they had drums! Still, it’s nice to have yet another author pumping out quality tracks.


      totally agree. Would love drums. That bass drum on dam that river!


      I noticed from Sideshow’s video of 1985 that you had a lot of pretty short sustains and 3-note chords in the song, I just wanted to let you know that it’s usually recommended to only have sustains if it’s a full 8th or longer (and even then less sustains than more is usually the better option) and to save 3-note chords for either acoustic guitar or “big chords” with 4 or more strings involved. Also the genre would probably be better as “Punk (Pop)”, but that’s nitpicking <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_cheeky.001.gif” />

      You need to get together with Crazy Canuck! I’d be all over the AiC songs if they had drums! Still, it’s nice to have yet another author pumping out quality tracks.

      All my custom’s Reaper files are available to anyone who wants them. They just need to ask. I’ll be hounding Canuck soon for some of his so I can add V+G.


      I noticed from Sideshow’s video of 1985 that you had a lot of pretty short sustains and 3-note chords in the song, I just wanted to let you know that it’s usually recommended to only have sustains if it’s a full 8th or longer (and even then less sustains than more is usually the better option) and to save 3-note chords for either acoustic guitar or “big chords” with 4 or more strings involved. Also the genre would probably be better as “Punk (Pop)”, but that’s nitpicking <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_cheeky.001.gif” />

      Yeah – the shorts were included because it just didn’t feel right to me without anything there, so I drew them out a little to give it a more “rich” feel, knowing full well that it was “against the rules”. The “chords” are there because, frankly, I need something to mix it up. There’s only so many change-ups you can do with two friggin’ buttons – it gets old after a while.


      And, after all, my customs were authored for me and my wife to enjoy. I couldn’t care less about the official “rules” when it comes to something that is for personal use (color me selfish). And while these “customs for our personal use” are now being offered for public consumption, they are not being finely polished or heavily reworked before release. I figure, if folks have a problem with them, they’ll either fix the problems themselves or just delete the CON.


      I know there are mistakes in my customs and while I actually do appreciate the observation and advice, you’ll likely see them again. I’m not here to inflate my ego with only positive remarks – I’m happy to hear constructive critisism, but the errors that are in my “finished” customs are probably there to stay. I will, however, keep these rules in mind for the future. They may not make it to the chart, but they’ll be in my mind.

      <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” />


      New link to P!nk’s “Don’t Let Me Get Me” updated with bass, drums and keys (pro!) generously added by EmotionalDaisy.




      Check page one for most current links


      So mister Colonel sir, any hints as to what you might have coming up next? I enjoy playing the guessing game, even if I am terrible at it. BTW, I swear that if I didn’t give up when I did last time “Dam That River” was going to be my next guess (still had the other 2 wrong though).

      So mister Colonel sir, any hints as to what you might have coming up next? I enjoy playing the guessing game, even if I am terrible at it. BTW, I swear that if I didn’t give up when I did last time “Dam That River” was going to be my next guess (still had the other 2 wrong though).

      No hint for tomorrows post, but maybe I’ll put something up with it regarding April 7th… :v:



      Two new songs are up (V&Gx)


      Thanks to the brilliant Farottone and his recently released C3 Automation Tools, this week marks the last week that Colonel’s Customs will contain expert-only guitar charts. Starting April 7, all newly-posted customs will contain easy, medium, hard and expert guitar difficulties created with CAT. Customs already posted here will be updated over time and re-posted when they are ready. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


      If you haven’t already, give Farottone a shout-out for this amazing software. He’s making not only the authors’ lives SO much easier, he’s giving people who can’t play expert drums/bass/guitar access to songs that lazy selfish authors like myself are too lazy and selfish to reduce by hand. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_cheeky.001.gif” />


      Next week will feature two songs with Vocals and Guitar (emhx!) from an artist/group already posted here. I’ll tell you up front, it’s not Alice in Chains. PM me if you want to guess what songs they are to get an early link.



      Check page one for most current links


        I’m pretty sure Fly From the Inside has a Drums only custom floating around somewhere. You might consider finding it and incorporating the drums chart from it into yours.

        I’m pretty sure Fly From the Inside has a Drums only custom floating around somewhere. You might consider finding it and incorporating the drums chart from it into yours.


        He’s making not only the authors’ lives SO much easier, he’s giving people who can’t play expert drums/bass/guitar access to songs that lazy selfish authors like myself are too lazy and selfish to reduce by hand



        Colonel Lee Z. McSelfish


          I’m pretty sure Fly From the Inside has a Drums only custom floating around somewhere. You might consider finding it and incorporating the drums chart from it into yours.


          He’s making not only the authors’ lives SO much easier, he’s giving people who can’t play expert drums/bass/guitar access to songs that lazy selfish authors like myself are too lazy and selfish to reduce by hand



          Colonel Lee Z. McSelfish



          I RARELY reply to anyone like this. Are you saying you’re too lazy to spend 15 minutes to add someone else’s drums when they are already done for you? Yes you said you were lazy and selfish but then why even share anything or even spend the 5 extra minutes to use CAT for reductions if you are that lazy and selfish? Whatever.


          You know with as many charts as you and CrazyCanuck crank out in your respective threads, it’s a shame you can’t work together on some songs. It would mean then someone would just need to chart bass and keys and they would be FB songs. I see some crossover on similar songs that you guys do sometimes it seems like.

            You know with as many charts as you and CrazyCanuck crank out in your respective threads, it’s a shame you can’t work together on some songs. It would mean then someone would just need to chart bass and keys and they would be FB songs. I see some crossover on similar songs that you guys do sometimes it seems like.


            Exactly why this hits a nerve with me. But in the end, no one is under any obligation here for anything so it’s all good.


            I RARELY reply to anyone like this. Are you saying you’re too lazy to spend 15 minutes to add someone else’s drums when they are already done for you? Yes you said you were lazy and selfish but then why even share anything or even spend the 5 extra minutes to use CAT for reductions if you are that lazy and selfish? Whatever.

            A) The drums weren’t “done for me”. They were done for people who play the drums. That is not me.

            :cool: If someone wants drums in a song I charted, they can put drums in. Or maybe you can.

            C) “Why even share anything?” – So you think if I won’t put an existing drum chart into my custom, I shouldn’t bother sharing my guitar and vocals charts with anyone? That doesn’t sound very friendly, considering this community.

            D) “Why spend the 5 extra minutes to use CAT for reductions if you are that lazy and selfish?” – Because the original chart is mine and instead of hours of boring, frustrating reductions that perhaps no one might even play, I can click a few buttons and possibly give a few people an ounce of pleasure.


            I’m more selfish than lazy when it comes to my time – my time is very valuable to me. I don’t chart customs for the camaraderie or even the fame and fortune. I do it so my wife and I have a wider variety of music we enjoy on Rock Band. If a few other people can enjoy the vocals or guitar that we created for ourselves, then that’s great. But I don’t take “requests”.


            And I don’t bend to the will of people who feel their self-righteous way is the only way. Kudos to you and all the other authors who take the time – who HAVE the time – to create complete customs with all the spit and polish. I don’t want to produce one song every three months, so I create customs within my time restraints that suit my needs – they may not suit yours. I’ve been honest about my intentions here since day one. I’m not bragging that I’m a lazy and selfish person I’m letting everyone know why my customs aren’t FB: Because I don’t need them to be.


            Everyone around here is usually so supportive in the endeavors of all the other authors, regardless of the completeness of their customs. Recently we almost lost an author because sometimes people’s constructive criticism can be construed as negativity. Since I didn’t see too much “constructive” in your criticism, I am through explaining myself to you.

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