Colonel’s Customs – Latest Update (06/19/2016)

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  • #415057
      YOU try and figure out what the hell Eddie Vedder is singing! Every website I looked at disagrees regarding this song’s lyrics, so sing whatever you want – that seems to be what Eddie does.


      If memory serves the lyrics for Corduroy are actually in the Vitalogy CD booklet. I owned it at 1 time. Almost 20 years ago, but no longer have it. Maybe someone here still owns it and can help you out. Great pick btw. Favorite song off this album.


        Thank you for 1985! Looking forward to playing that one.

        If memory serves the lyrics for Corduroy are actually in the Vitalogy CD booklet. I owned it at 1 time. Almost 20 years ago, but no longer have it. Maybe someone here still owns it and can help you out. Great pick btw. Favorite song off this album.


        Great song – I prefer the live version over the studio, but it’s the version I heard first. As for the lyrics, in at least one interview Eddie has said sometimes he just mumbles sounds that don’t necessarily match what he’s allegedly singing. He was speaking of “Yellow Ledbetter” at the time, but I think it applies here, too. Anyway, I don’t suppose it really matters in the big picture. It’s just fun to sing! Or as Eddie would say, “His chest bumped a pig!” Or something similarly unintelligible.


        No question, great song and it is in my “Song Staging” folder already, so yup, I’ll be working on that one. When? I have no idea. I’ll bump it up the list, though. As always, it’ll be tough to choose who to sing with during the harmonies – Layne or Layne.


        Sounds great….. cant wait to play that…


        New Songs Are Up:


        38 Special – “Teacher Teacher”

        Soundgarden – “Like Suicide”

        Papa Roach – “Getting Away With Murder”


        Any chance we could get


        I Stay Away – Alice in Chains

        Rotten Apple – Alice in Chains

        Dam That River – Alice in Chains

        Down in a Hole – Alice in Chains

        My Wave – Soundgarden

        Any chance we could get


        I Stay Away – Alice in Chains – YES!

        Rotten Apple – Alice in Chains – YES!

        Dam That River – Alice in Chains – YES! (soon)

        Down in a Hole – Alice in Chains – One of my faves, but very intertwined guitars. Tough, but likely down the road.

        My Wave – Soundgarden – Doubtful – not my favorite Soundgarden. Too many others to chart.


          Thanks for the new songs! Any chance of seeing “Caught Up In You” by 38 Special at some point? <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />

          Thanks for the new songs! Any chance of seeing “Caught Up In You” by 38 Special at some point? <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


          Hey, if anyone aside from my wife and I can get pleasure out of these incomplete customs, hoorah! I’m happy anyone bothers to check them out at all.

          <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />

          And yes, “Caught Up In You” is in my wife’s “Most Wanted” folder. It’ll probably show up before summer. Should be fun authoring the solos, but tough closing the song due to its fadeout right in the middle of one of those solos.


          Hey, if anyone aside from my wife and I can get pleasure out of these incomplete customs, hoorah! I’m happy anyone bothers to check them out at all.

          <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


          My wife and I would also like to thank you for sharing your customs. Like yourselves, we still like to get our Rock Band on now & again and we’ve been enjoying your songs very much. In fact, since we discovered this amazing world of customs it has completely reinvigorated our enthusiasm to play. We mainly switch off between vocals and guitar too, so these suit us just perfectly. I’ve personally been jonesing for some Tesla in RB since the game came out in 2007 so I can’t tell you how happy I was when you posted that one (any plans for more? sorry, I couldn’t resist asking). Thanks again for all of them, very awesome stuff!


          My wife and I would also like to thank you for sharing your customs. Like yourselves, we still like to get our Rock Band on now & again and we’ve been enjoying your songs very much. In fact, since we discovered this amazing world of customs it has completely reinvigorated our enthusiasm to play. We mainly switch off between vocals and guitar too, so these suit us just perfectly. I’ve personally been jonesing for some Tesla in RB since the game came out in 2007 so I can’t tell you how happy I was when you posted that one (any plans for more? sorry, I couldn’t resist asking). Thanks again for all of them, very awesome stuff!


          Thank you very much! It warms my heart to hear that, it really does.


          Regarding more Tesla,YES! In my staging folder are “The Way It Is” and “What You Give”. No promises as to when, but you should see at least one of them in 2014. Between the wife and I, we have over 200 songs now in waiting (plus 42 already produced – 16 of which have been posted here – and another 3 in process with 3 more lined up behind those) and the best I can produce (with any semblance of quality) is 3 customs every 7 to 10 days, depending on the length, complexity and the number of problems I find during each playtest session. And my schedule plays into it as well – maybe if I didn’t need to go to work…



          Two new songs are up!


          Nothing Irish, just a couple of great songs. Hope you enjoy!


          Faith No More – “Falling to Pieces”

          Jackson Browne – “The Boulevard”


          Next week will be a 3-pack for a band I’ve already posted here! Is that :haw: or ><img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_frown.gif” /> ???


          If you’re interested, post your guess as to what those three songs might be. Get any right and I’ll PM you a link to the one(s) you guessed correctly. One try per person, per day please.


          I’m going to go out on a limb and guess it’s an Alice in Chains pack.


          “It ain’t like that”

          “Down in a hole”

          “Sea of sorrow”


          If you’re interested, post your guess as to what those three songs might be. Get any right and I’ll PM you a link to the one(s) you guessed correctly. One try per person, please.


          And I will PM you a response whether you are correct or not.


            Bowling For Soup:


            High School Never Ends

            Girl All The Bad Guys Want

            Come Back To Texas


            <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />

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