Colonel’s Customs – Latest Update (06/19/2016)

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  • #423997


    Drist – “Arterial Black”


    From Guitar Hero II, I used to hear my son play this song over and over and it grew on me. I charted it early in my “career” without thinking about the fact that I could have looked on Youtube to see how it was charted in GHII. It was similar, but I have polished it a bit since. The guitar solo is fun and challenging.


    Spindoctor and Nunchuck are converting GH songs and this one was next on their list – hopefully I saved them a little trouble. Anyone wants to chart drums, hit me up.


    Drist – “Arterial Black”


      Oh man, I hope someone does hit you up on that because that song is great. I was hoping it would come out on RBN, but it never happened.



      My Darkest Days – “Pornstar Dancing” (Show Floor Reject)


      Not quite up to C3 standards (it scored a 7/10 for readiness) but it is Full Band and I’d like to think it’s a little better than my usual charting. I really thought this song was popular enough for a C3 release, but alas, there was no interest. :ohdear:

      G/B hand-reduced to hard, then CAT-assisted medium/easy. Drum chart graciously provided by CrazyCanuck.


      My Darkest Days – “Pornstar Dancing”* TM/V/G/B/H by Colonel, D by CrazyCanuck


      it says its been blocked for violation of the terms of service :/

      it says its been blocked for violation of the terms of service :/



      My Darkest Days – “Pornstar Dancing”* TM/V/G/B/H by Colonel, D by CrazyCanuck


      This, my friend, is why you and CrazyCanuck are charting gods in my eyes! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” /> Keep up the great work/teamwork!


      it still wont let me download it. it keeps saying the same thing


      You should probably change the file name, I am pretty sure Mediafire have bots hunting down and blocking what it thinks is porn <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_cheeky.001.gif” />




      YESS ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ this one! thankss



      Try this one:



      My Darkest Days – “Pornstar Dancing”* TM/V/G/B/H by Colonel, D by CrazyCanuck

      Bingo. Ahem, as before…. This my friend is why you and CrazyCanuck are charting gods in my eyes. :excited:


        Colonel, what did I tell you about posting porn!


        Omg, thank you for making porn star dancing. Best track in months for me! I’m hosting a big rock band party and this is definitely going on the Playlist. Thank you again.


        Forgot to ask, does this version have Ludacris on it?


        My Darkest Days – “Pornstar Dancing” (Show Floor Reject)


        Not quite up to C3 standards (it scored a 7/10 for readiness) but it is Full Band and I’d like to think it’s a little better than my usual charting. I really thought this song was popular enough for a C3 release, but alas, there was no interest. :ohdear:

        G/B hand-reduced to hard, then CAT-assisted medium/easy. Drum chart graciously provided by CrazyCanuck.


        My Darkest Days – “Pornstar Dancing”* TM/V/G/B/H by Colonel, D by CrazyCanuck


        No interest? :roll: Well, I’m interested! :dance: Thanks!

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