Checking CON. Files Easly?

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  • #389232

    So I have a issue with a song and it’s 2x Pedal CON file getting corrupt in game, though on closer inspection it seems any 2x Pedal CON I put into my Vizualiser appears as corrupted in the program, which makes it hard for me to check if I managed to fix the actual problem with the CON. So I wondered if there is any way to check if a CON works properly without having to load it up into the game and such?


      Send me one of those files to check. Visualizer reads the file, but it makes no changes to it, so by virtue of running a file through Visualizer there is no way anything in the file is being changed.

      Magma should be generating 2x songs just fine, since the code doesn’t change in any way, just adding the (2x Bass Pedal) to the name.

      Send me one of those files to check. Visualizer reads the file, but it makes no changes to it, so by virtue of running a file through Visualizer there is no way anything in the file is being changed.

      Magma should be generating 2x songs just fine, since the code doesn’t change in any way, just adding the (2x Bass Pedal) to the name.


      Well that I know, but what I mean is that it seems Visualizer have problems with opening these 2x Pedal CON’s for whatever reason and that is making it hard for me to check if it works. I will send you the CON in question though



        both of the 2x songs you sent load just fine. I tried opening visualizer and loading the files, I tried loading the files in song explorer and then clicking visualize. both times it worked perfectly fine.


        at which step does it crash for you?


        Seems to be working now somehow (yay for things magically fixing themselves), but when the problem happened it would use a long time loading the CON into the Visualizer, and instead of showing the info it just had the song title with everything else being blank. I suspect now it might have been related to the album art’s file type or something though, also I remember I tried to play with the audio quality in the Audio tab before, so maybe the problem is related to either C3 Magma not being the best at converting PNG to Bitmap or the audio quality feature being glitched?

          so maybe the problem is related to either C3 Magma not being the best at converting PNG to Bitmap[/b]

          Magma uses the same process that RB3Maker used, and Visualizer uses the same method as Magma, so if Magma processed it, it’ll show fine in Visualizer, even if in the game it may not, since they literally go opposite directions of the same exact code.


          or the audio quality feature being glitched?

          Nothing in the audio files or settings is touched by Visualizer, so I don’t see how that could be either.


          In any case, if you see it happen again, right there and then make a note of the song, the process before the crash, if you can grab a picture of the error or copy/paste the text, and send it my way.

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