Charting Open Notes for Rock Band/In Reaper?

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    Hello; I’ve just started getting into charting so this might be a “newbie” question or issue, but one thing I’m wanting to do, mainly with a bass part I’m charting, is using open notes (i.e. notes where you hold no buttons and just strum, looks like a bar across the track). However, from the REAPERtemplates available along with the lack of any information online, it seems either that open notes don’t exist for rock band or they are extremely uncommon. How would I go about charting open notes in my scenario, if I can? Is there another template online that I should use instead?


    For additional context, I’m mainly wanting to chart for Clone Hero, however I also want to make sure I do full band charts, and want to do Rock Band Pro Drums for it. Given this, I want to have open notes in the bass part for a certain section I’m charting (if at all possible) and all features of Pro Drums, hence why I’ve stayed away from Moonscraper in my situation.


    If charting open notes with the REAPER templates isn’t possible, how should I go about doing this?


    Thanks for any advice/assistance!


      Rock Band does not use open notes, however if they are defined by a MIDI note or text event you can easily author them in Reaper.


        To clarify, Bass on Rock Band uses 5 midi notes to display the five colors, these midi notes are 96-100 inclusively.


        For Clone Hero, you need to find out which midi note is an open note (I would assume 95, but that’s just an assumption).


          So I think the way GH handles open notes is that all the open notes are unforced green notes and the green notes have to be forced, strum or HOPO.

          I think this also means you have to force all the notes except the green notes you want open.


          Weird how they did it this way, since Expert+ on drums utilizes midi note #95 for the 2x bass pedals.

          One of the community managers and the main tournament organizer over at SpinShare. Also somewhat decent at charting for RB3 I think.


            Open notes for Phase Shift and Clone Hero are created by charting a green note (I think it can be any note actually, but people usually use green), and then adding “system exclusive” or SysEx MIDI messages before and after the note that change it into an open note.


            Here is a Reaper screenshot, note the dropdown menu in the lower-left where you can select Sysex. The first note here will be an open note:




            Here’s what the “start opens” event looks like if you double-click on it:




            And the “end opens” event:




            If in doubt, open a Clone Hero MIDI-format song that has an open note and check how it looks there.


            Opens can be forced/tapped just like any other note (in Clone Hero. I believe Phase Shift doesn’t support pull-off opens.)


              Yeah, you’re completely right. Totally forgot about sysex events lol

              One of the community managers and the main tournament organizer over at SpinShare. Also somewhat decent at charting for RB3 I think.


              Thanks for all the help everyone!


              This didn’t work for me. I even played an old file in Phase Shift that I made in Moonscraper with open notes and that one’s open notes didn’t even appear. I opened up one that did work for me, Sad But True by Metallica, in Reaper. I saw some 50 53 00 00 02 01s in there, which I assume is for hard difficulty? But other than that, it looked pretty much the same. Is there something else aside from Sysex messages that I’m missing?

              Here is the chart I made that is NOT working for me:


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