Can’t load RB3 Customs onto Wii?

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    Alright, so I’m new to this forum, and I’ve followed StackOverflow0x’s guide on compiling RB3 customs for Wii. I have made my own custom and downloaded another custom from the database here to use on my Wii, compiled them with the RB3 Wii Pack Tool, and put the BIN files from both songs in the ZFE folder on my SD card. I cleared the cache on my Wii (the MSTORE.vff) and I loaded the game. Once I got to the main menu, the game went through loading all of the songs, and would load all of my official DLC fine, but when the game got to the custom songs, it would display an error that said that the custom songs are corrupted.


    Now, if I were to guess what the problem is, I have a feeling it’s how I actually compiled the songs, but I’m not entirely sure. If anyone here can help me get custom songs working, it would be greatly appreciated! And if you guys need more specifics to help me figure this out (compiler setup, song folder structures, etc.), let me know and I’ll post it here.


    Thanks in advance!


        Good for you. Now ask the guy who created the guide and has all the knowledge about playing customs on Wii to help you. Why are you creating a separate thread when there is a thread dedicated to playing customs on Wii? Are you trying to play customs on Wii? Then guess where you should be posting questions about playing customs on Wii?




          Yeah, let’s close this down, the place for all questions related to Wii issues is that thread, so we can keep everything in one spot. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif”>

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