Can I Still Be Online With Customs?

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    Hey folks, I’m new around here. I’m starting to dip into customs, and I’m wondering if I can still connect to online services if I have customs in Rock Band 3. I only just got the game so I have none of the paid DLC, but I am interesting in buying it. I just want to make sure there’s nothing specific I need to do if I go online with customs to not get locked out/banned from XBOXland, etc.




      Hello Sevey, welcome to C3!


      Unfortunately customs only work with Title Update 4 and the game requires Title Update 5 in order to go online.


      There are some workarounds though. Many users just have two flash drives, one with Title Update 4 & customs and one with Title Update 5. You can also just use one flash drive with TU4 & customs, you’ll just have to install TU5 every time you want to play online and remove it from your hard drive every time you want to play customs. There’s likely other options too, feel free to utilize that search bar, this question has been discussed many a time. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


      Alternatively RB2 has online customs which will allow you to play both customs and DLC though there are fewer RB2-supported customs than RB3 at this time.


      The best way to play custom songs online is to not play on xbox <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” />


        The way it worked out for me is I have two RB3 discs — one MadCatz and one EA. I take out my customs flash drive and use the MadCatz disc when I want to go online and buy content, then switch disks and put in my drive to play!

        Linos Melendi

          Sevey13 was asking “if I can still connect to online services” and worried if they’ll get banned, not about actually playing the customs.


          Which I will answer, yes you can still connect online with the latest RB3 update with custom songs in your drive. You will not get banned or anything, customs songs will still appear in your song library but attempting to play them will simply just crash the game. You can still play any legit songs just fine while connected online and having customs installed.


          I only just got the game so I have none of the paid DLC, but I am interesting in buying it


          For buying DLC, if you don’t want to deal with the hassle of swapping updates just to purchase dlc, I recommend installing the separate “Rock Band Music Store” app and purchasing DLC from there.



          The best way to play custom songs online is to not play on xbox <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” />

          That’s just not true, the best way to play customs online is RB2 on xbox 360, theres a dedicated discord server where we convert rb3/ch customs to rb2 and we play them online together, its quite the server


          That’s just not true, the best way to play customs online is RB2 on xbox 360, theres a dedicated discord server where we convert rb3/ch customs to rb2 and we play them online together, its quite the server

          I don’t agree as a pro keys player. But yes, if you only play 5 button instruments, RB2 is an option.


          That’s just not true, the best way to play customs online is RB2 on xbox 360, theres a dedicated discord server where we convert rb3/ch customs to rb2 and we play them online together, its quite the server

          Whats the server i wanna join


          Whats the server i wanna join


          I don’t agree as a pro keys player. But yes, if you only play 5 button instruments, RB2 is an option.

          *RB2 is the best option for those who want to play Rock Band customs online, PS3 requires extra setup, a modded console and all that, xbox does not <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


          *RB2 is the best option for those who want to play Rock Band customs online, PS3 requires extra setup, a modded console and all that, xbox does not <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />

          Again, the best option is subjective. If you don’t play 5 button instruments RB2 is not an option. You’re talking like converting to RB2 doesn’t remove content, but it does.


          Hello Folks,


          I have the same question as the OP, but a little different problem. I’m playing RB3 on my Wii (PAL euro zone), and it seems I can’t connect to the servers anymore. The Wii says the connexion is OK when I test it, so I’m not sure where the problem is. Does anyone with my config can still play online and see the leaderboards ?


          In a way, I’m surprised the online worked until a month ago !


          The Wii servers are not very stable.

          Also, one time the PS3 servers went down and I had to tell Harmonix to get them fixed, so maybe drop them a word in their Discord server.


          The Wii servers are not very stable.


          Also, one time the PS3 servers went down and I had to tell Harmonix to get them fixed, so maybe drop them a word in their Discord server.

          My RB3 Wii is still offlline. I tried asking my question at #rb-peer-support and got no answer. Was it the right place ?


          If you didn’t get an answer from the devs I would simply recommend that you submit a ticket, that way you’re sure of getting an official answer.

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