C3 tools con explorer help

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  • #519512

      How do I delete files in the con explorer? When I right click, all I can do is extract, replace, or add new. I just want to delete the album art so the rock band logo shows up in the game instead. I’m playing RB2 btw.


        There isn’t a file deletion option in the CON explorer. Strictly speaking, all the files that make up a CON are required, so you shouldn’t ever want to delete anything, album art included. Obviously the game can survive without album art, but we didn’t anticipate people actually wanting to do that on purpose.

        The easiest workaround I can suggest is to replace the album art with a file containing the default art, or anything else you’d like to show instead.


          You can also try the following.

          Open the CON file in CON Explorer. Extract the DTA. Find the following line

          (album_art TRUE)

          and change it to FALSE

          If the line isn’t present, then add it somewhere near the bottom (but not as the last line in the DTA).

          Save it, replace the DTA in the CON with this new one, and try it in game. It *should* default to the game art and not the album art that’s present in the CON file.

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