C3 Site / User Profile SHOWCASE Suggestion…

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  • #391866


    I dont know if this has been considered before (or if such a feature exists)- but for all those authors who are never likely to make the grade necessary become a fully-fledged C3 Author it is still of interest to many that their authored efforts and available to those to use….


    So, to that end – are you able to consider adding a “Showcase” tab to the User Profile control panel that enables those users to alphabetically list (by title / group etc. ) their songs for like minded souls to download. Otherwise their efforts could be scattered around several posts somewhere on the site – instead of collated in a simple list for easy viewing and access.


    Just a thought… as my list grows – I would like to be able to publish mine in this way if it were possible.


    [showcase n

    1. (Furniture) a glass case used to display objects in a museum or shop

    2. a setting in which anything may be displayed to best advantage


    3. (tr) to exhibit or display]




      It’s been discussed, but it’d be a lot of work. We’d rather spend the time creating new songs.


      Understood. With the collective programming skills of the individuals here on thie site – I didnt think this would actually be too mammoth an undertaking (not volunteering myself here!).


      As a middle ground… how about a simple editable text field on the Control Panel where users that wish, can post a URL to their OWN showcase / website (which they of course manage)…? In this way at least there is a means for forum users to view and download song catalogs from individuals if they wished….

      I note at present there is a website field…. could an additional field Song Catalg / Showcase be added too..?


        As a middle ground… how about a simple editable text field on the Control Panel where users that wish, can post a URL to their OWN showcase / website (which they of course manage)…?


        Like in example a signature? <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif”>


        … the perfect solution! Thanks

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